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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. I don't get what this has to do with APB besides the logo.
  2. God no. There is far more negatives than positives. Worse driving controls. Dying around corners. Worse hitreg. Higher chance of warps. Loss of first shot advantage in a lot of instances. Reversal of actions. Delay on some stringing of actions. I play with 200ms from Aus and any time I have been in EU/USA and played with less than 20ms it is a far better experience, even to the point of giving me a gameplay advantage compared to my normal ping.
  3. Blaming the gun when that is just Kewlin at fault. Lul.
  4. Not enough gold players to form a full gold server. Not enough silver players to form a silver server.
  5. You realise that even if this is true (which it is not) the NTEC would still be the most played AR due to it being the only free and easily accessible AR besides the STAR.
  6. Do you people forget why the name and shame rule exists? It is not to stop people from shaming cheaters, it is there to stop witch hunts and shaming innocent people. Sure it is not perfect but I would much rather have it this way than someone's reputation being thrown away at poor word of mouth because some people can't function properly.
  7. I like to think I have developed the ability to travel through time from years of playing APB at stupid ping. Though I can only travel forward .5 seconds in time. This new supernatural ability mainly helps with driving.
  8. How about we at least try to keep some sort of semblance of faction identity intact.
  9. It is far from most useless. It is currently in the mid tier/average level of side arms and where it should be.
  10. Didn't watch the video. But everything he said he wrong. Did i do it right?
  11. Tell him no and then keep winning. Assert your dominance.
  12. Grey Matter. Because that is all he is capable of producing.
  13. Daily 'I am silver and got destroyed so everyone must be cheating' thread. Add it to the pile.
  14. Still waiting for Sock to make an actual thread of substance.
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