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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Daily 'I am silver and got destroyed so everyone must be cheating' thread. Add it to the pile.
  2. You're new. APB has a pretty high learning curve. You'll be getting your patootie handed to you for a while. Take it as a learning experience that you can improve from.
  3. I don't wanna do this @SuperFuzz but you made me. Daily 'I am silver and got destroyed so everyone must be cheating' thread. Add it to the pile.
  4. How do you know there hasn't been a single one on in 2 weeks?
  5. Walk half a block down the street and spawn your car.
  6. What is wrong with calling out 2% of the population for being over represented in certain areas that subvert and undermine western society?
  7. If I am ever on mitigation/life support, pleas pull the plug.
  8. How is this discord any different from the dozen others.
  9. And 99% of players can turn it off so the dev team wasted all the effort even putting it in in the first place.
  10. Removed cause all the silvers got mad for being trash.
  11. Creativity for him I would say it would be. Monetary/job wise. Probably not.
  12. He is at Epic Games now if I remember correctly. Hopefully not wasting talent on Fortnite but something else.
  13. 2FA is not secure enough. We need 3FA as well as mandatory biometric scans.
  14. Some days I have problems logging in. I just don't feel like it.
  15. Lore wise Midtown is still a thing. Gameplay wise it does not exist and likely/hopefully won't. As many don't like to hear, adding midtown will not provide any unique playspaces that are not already facilitated in Financial. This is because Financial was grown out of Midtown. Midtown was nothing but a prototype district and all the design philosophies within it were used to birth financial as the final product instead. I've said such many times on the forums before and you all always downvote me. So go ahead, downvote me again (though it doesn't do anything) for being just the messenger of reality.
  16. Give Britney back her home. It makes no sense for her to be sharing a space with another.
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