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Everything posted by Too_many_snowflakes

  1. Other than the DOW, shotguns in general need a shorter falloff with the damage. The DOW. being a legendary, feels underpowered as hell. 3 shots to kill, IF every shot is dead on target.
  2. They could honestly make a solid B movie based off of APB with all the shenanigans that go on in district.
  3. Time is relative, and when the going gets tough, the tough get going.
  4. Only guy I ran into on here that was worthwhile keeping in touch with I have on steam.
  5. How much crack did you smoke before posting this??
  6. Too_many_snowflakes


    I can smell your ego through my screen....
  7. It's an asylum... This isn't exactly what you'd call an Easter egg.
  8. The Fresno deserves much more credit than people give it.
  9. Really?? Try growing some skin. This is the internet, not your personal safe space.
  10. Thank god.... I have a max rank on HAN that's been stranded there for years now. I hardly get to use her because the server is literally a ghost town.
  11. I honestly wouldn't expect them to release any major updates until the end of this year. They've got some major coding to do among multiple other things.
  12. Go be a FNG somewhere else.... The support system is overloaded, and will be for sometime. I had the same issue and it took them over a month to solve it.
  13. With severe accuracy loss, maybe.
  14. I was referring more specifically to the Dog Ear. The ISSR-a is absolute garbage.
  15. Hardly anyone used it for a reason... The TTK was great, but extremely unforgiving. It wasn't a weapon that is easy to learn by any means.
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