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Everything posted by Bellenettiel

  1. afaik gamerfirst only exists by name now, its all little orbit with some employees from g1
  2. vip mission and social district i see nothing wrong with this, in fact i think they were born for this very endeavor jokes apart, they might have acquired some old apb dev employees, so it isn't all bad.. plus G1 wasn't a step up either.. they were just publishers turned devs.
  3. Part of me wish G1 was still running the development, not because I like them or think they'd do a better job than little orbit. Just wanted to see them sink the ship themselves, as some sort of cosmic justice thing. But sadly it sold and I genuinely feel sorry for LO for what will happen once the engine upgrade releases. Doubt anyone will want to wait a bit longer to see what happens after it has an new engine.
  4. dont speak to me unless you have at least 2 months subscription to big gay
  5. idk steampunk sweat taste of rusty tubes and ...oil
  6. yeah, game has got genuinely good customization despite being decade old. honestly wish i could trade armas clothes i made with people, by using joker tickets or something. There are really cool cop/swat clothes that are locked behind armas marketplace.
  7. keep trying different weapons, till you find something that suits your playstyle. After that, look up what other players do in the game and try to mimic what works.
  8. never liked cheese it has a odd color, why can't it be lime green or black
  9. but instead of giving presents he comes to your house and asks if you've been using manscaped
  10. this is the greatest fight of attrition in mankind, ever.
  11. No, it really won't. That boat sailed a long time ago. But it might at least recover some of the lost fanbase. Which is passable till a new project comes along.
  12. Bellenettiel


    that it is pointless to say that to giant tech companies, because the only ones who get ripped off from monopolies (and such) are us? this is rather concerning news if intel doesn't keep up, you can be sure as hell that amd will put up ridiculous prices
  13. In all due respect, i don't really have issues running apb, it's just not fun to me. Not trying to be edgy, its alright to like apb, it just doesn't entertain me anymore. I honestly can't put my finger on what it is, but i just can't be bothered. And not to downplay, the changes recently made by little orbit are extremely awesome, i like what they did to the joker store and the events they've been putting up. It was pretty alright.
  14. apb is closer to a maintained private server at this point than a mmo
  15. good luck to those tackling this, it can be the very definition of hell. honestly relieved i did this over 2 years ago
  16. dam I genuinely am returning to apb on xmas just for the HoHoHoPGL i wish they added motorbikes just so i could spread xmas more efficiently edit: add in also the nyan launcher thing, i know it was a meme but it was really cutee
  17. I really enjoy the customization of the game Was really hoping gta 5 would do something like it but they never lived it up. he meant good things
  18. this is actuality reassuring, i was actuality planning on upgrading from my i5 4670k but apb is just way too weird with new tech
  19. I am having a weird form of deja-vu where i feel i already read this thread 2 or so years ago. Anyway tryhard always was for me, someone who tries his hardest to win a casual non-competitive match, by cheesing or otherwise using the most lame tactics/setups ever to win. Tho i guess you can call anyone a tryhard for putting winning in the way of having fun, which is the whole point of the game.
  20. it feels a tad too late for anything of the sort of be popular now days. Tech and games in general evolved so much since ps3 days that it would be a shot in the foot to do something like that without making an entire different game.
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