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Everything posted by vsb

  1. you posted an opinion on a public forum that i disagree with so i felt like i should also post my opinion, in the hopes that our incompetent overlords will see that not everyone agrees with your opinion - are you aware of how balance discussions work? or maybe just social interaction in general? also you accused me of defending cheaters, which deserved at least a casual dismissal
  2. you could be going 4 and 10 in your current mission but because you did well on your last mission, getting 1 more kill will put you at n5/p5 even then “consistently getting kills” does not equate to “completely dominating”, an even match will see you barely breaking even most of the time but you’ll still be popping n5/p5 every other stage this is why it’s a poor mechanic - not only does it punish players for being too good, but it also punishes players for doing ok, and sometimes even for doing poorly
  3. i’m not defending cheaters i’m defending literally anyone who might win against their opposition we both know there’s a significant portion of the population who is only after the easiest missions possible, what do you think those players will do with a system that allows them to quit any mission as soon as they start losing?
  4. notoriety/prestige are not dependent on your current mission performance, please stop using this terrible counter argument
  5. this would just lead to a lot of people quitting missions against anyone better than them, regardless of if they’re cheating or not
  6. listen bud i have a family to feed, so i can't be taking bounties for free, capiche?
  7. its probably a sign from the universe to stop playing this doodoo game
  8. there’s really nothing in the lore that prevents enforcers from fighting each other - the praetorians and the prentiss tigers are two separate factions with differing goals and methods, especially with the ‘escalation’ plot line that was abandoned midway by g1 this has already been touched upon within the riot lore (which was horrible, but still exists), with the prentiss tigers fighting against the praetorians
  9. it will never be never aside from the fact that there really shouldn’t be this kind of skill disparity in any given mission, on jericho there are plenty of people who don’t abandon missions and plenty of missions that don’t start until opposed
  10. i don’t see the point in forcing uneven teams - all that’s going to do is increase toxicity towards new/low skilled players imo, especially among the golds who aren’t good enough to carry
  11. we are a good bad example, the fractional percentage of millions of people who have tried apb and didn’t quit this is not a good ratio, and while i’m aware there are a lot of reasons people quit besides new player experience that doesn’t change the hundreds upon hundreds of negative reviews about said poor experience from a business standpoint new players are probably slightly more important, the gaming industry has been moving away from maintaining a small number of veteran players as “whales” and moving towards enticing a large number of players spending a small amount of money even little orbit recognizes this, evidenced by them lowering microtransaction prices and (supposedly) moving armas to account bound and then with apb’s specific situation, where id bet a large majority of veterans are aware that spending money on a game that 3 companies have consistently failed to improve is not a good idea, if they haven’t already purchased everything they want already at the end of the day neither group can be discarded - apb isn’t going to survive on the 600 veterans that still play, but changing apb to appeal to a constantly rotating population of new players will leave us high and dry when inevitably there’s no one new left to try the game
  12. not every gold wants to babysit during their play session, and not every gold is capable of babysitting /abandonmission already only works on unopposed missions, i’d rather orbit cracked down even harder on people who afk opposed missions instead
  13. i hope this is just referring to the current state of the game, because otherwise new players are absolutely necessary - where do you think all the veterans come from?
  14. a jg with a 3stk would be more forgiving, as you would have to wait .3s to fire after a missed shot instead of .68s (2stk) to put it another way, a kill with one missed 3stk jg shot would be .9s and a kill with one missed 2stk jg shot would be 1.36s
  15. maybe stop putting your info out there in anonymous games? its not that doxxing is ever ok, but there has to be some onus of responsibility on your own online actions as well
  16. yes that would make it more forgiving, as you have less time to wait after missing a shot
  17. a higher rof makes the pmg more forgiving not less
  18. pretty sure this would just lead to more bronzes quitting, which would lower the pop, which would extend no segregation hours, which would lead to more bronzes quitting, which would lower the pop, which would extend no segregation hours, which would lead to more bronzes quitting, etc, etc, etc on the other hand players are already quitting because the game is bad beyond just low pop and threat segregation, so might as well give it a shot
  19. both of these would allow the spawn map to be a fairly detailed radar for enemy players and for line-of-sight spawns on objectives option 2 involves rebuilding the entire system from the ground up, not sure what’s so easy about that my view on a possible spawn system rework is that each objective should have its own set spawns for attacking and defending teams, which ideally would be manually placed to avoid current issues (spawning behind large buildings, across wide open spaces, on the wrong wf dock, etc) - this comes with its own balance problems tho, as set spawns can be exploited by hyper aggressive teams any rework of the spawn system is going to require a lot of time and effort imo
  20. i’m curious as to what in this screenshot indicates little orbit is okay with this behavior as a side note, if this person is whispering hexerin because he’s stomping on new players in the bronze district i feel like it’s justified
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