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Everything posted by vsb

  1. what happens to players that no one wants to play against? legitimizing afk behavior with a mechanic that essentially rewards the people who would afk is not the answer imo
  2. legitimizing it will only encourage more players to use the mechanic, using "it already happens" is a pretty poor justification imo
  3. why does all the game footage have an awful tint or something over it
  4. is surrendering done on an individual basis or is it a group thing? is it a vote system like team leader request? will players lose threat for surrendering? more or less threat than a normal mission loss? are players who vote not to surrender compensated in any way? will there be a cooldown/limit on how many times a player can surrender? how does that cooldown/limit work when a player is solo and bouncing from group to group? will there be prerequisites (e.g. a certain number of stages lost, or a certain number of enemy kills) before a team can surrender? its hard to really discuss the idea with you giving absolutely no details but i'm generally against mechanics that allow players to leave matches whenever they want, why bother readying up if you aren't going to play?
  5. ”good but could be nerfed” and “broken has no downsides” both kind of skate around the no mans land of “this gun is op”, with the former seeming to refer to meta weapons that are balanced but could recieve small tweaks without major performance impact and the latter not applying to any gun in apb at all imo i think a lot of players might take “good but could be nerfed” as “nerf this gun” (which might be intended, could you clarify?), leading to them either applying it wrong or avoiding it altogether for fear of another nerf wave there’s no option specifically for guns that need a rework, unless that was what “straight downgrade” was intended to be and i was using it incorrectly
  6. alternative skin is usually what i use assassin skin is a close second, but it makes some guns look like toys
  7. 50% would make pioneer/espacio weaker than a bishada and the 4x4 would be the most fragile vehicle in the game
  8. osmaw is pretty worthless for countering pioneer/espacio carplay, but i guess it would probably work alright on 4x4s
  9. vsb

    Remove PIG

    my only real issue with the pig is that is synergizes so well (too well imo) with percs, but that is a problem that is solved by lightly nerfing percs
  10. i mean i know we have a bunch of empty districts because the pop is low but i don’t really think playing unopposed missions is the solution :^)
  11. 2fa is worthless to me since little orbit hasnt added the "no tradelock" feature that it was supposed to have in the first place, until that point i'll take the risk of a 1337 hacker bruteforcing my account
  12. i assumed it was kind of a larger broader poll but many of the questions aren’t really easily turned into hard numbers (i.e. lots of open ended questions), i’m kind of curious what op intended as well
  13. you’d think they would pin a thread or something so that people wouldn’t have to ask individually
  14. the purchase cooldown is really there to make it annoying for people to stock up on f2p leases, essentially turning them into permanent weapons
  15. i don't think the "mirage" was ever intended to be in the apocalypse bundle
  16. yeah its definitely the discord leak they're getting rid of 100%
  17. i don't remember that being a requirement, where did you see this?
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