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Everything posted by vsb

  1. you didnt really elaborate enough for me to understand what you want here, but the additional image seems to imply that missions will go back and forth based on which team completes the stage? this seems like it would greatly increase mission run times, with team A and team B ping ponging back and forth forever if they're evenly matched i think a better solution would simply be to "copy" the more traditional format where the attacking and defending teams are swapped each stage, and the mission progresses to the final stage regardless of who wins each stage we already have an elo rating, its just hidden from the player agreed, curve systems are trash definitely not, more rng is the last thing apb needs what snipers do you qualify as large caliber - if its all of them then i disagree as there are several snipers that should not receive a nerf, and if its just the hvr then why not just specifically suggest an hvr nerf? i'd like to see jumpshooting return, i think it would be balanced fairly well now that the scout has both a bolt timer and a significant sprint delay disagree, why remove weapons when they can be balanced? seems like you just have an issue with the .45 (and maybe the fr0g under 10m), but i think both guns are balanced i don't feel the oscar is better than the joker carbine the pmg only needs a range nerf, a .875s ttk would absolutely ruin the gun i wouldn't mind increased accuracy but i feel the aligs current hard damage is already very strong, especially with the recent vehicle hp rebalance this is already something that's been stated to be in the works, i have no idea what revenue has to do with anything agreed, altho i think something like leaderboards that have a clan category would go a long way if this is referring to the engine upgrade, you've entirely missed the point of the engine upgrade
  2. i'm confused on why the normal /ignore function is not adequate for this?
  3. this is one thing that the pmg is not imo despite its large mag:stk ratio and low rof giving plenty of time to adjust aim, that same low rof punishes users pretty heavily for missed shots - just 2 whiffs puts a pmg into fbw ttk territory
  4. the game was a lot simpler and more intuitive in 2011 - there was no harsh dropoff system, no goofy unique weapon mechanics, no curve systems, and probably a bunch of other stuff im not remembering atm people with hundreds of hours in 2011 were a pretty small minority even counting returning rtw vets, a majority of the population was just starting out in apb so the average skill level was way lower and a tutorial district that forced you to actually complete 3-5 unopposed missions, regardless of its issues i feel the practical experience was far more useful than the current tutorial ultimately apb has never really been a popular game, the only difference between 2011 and now was there were more people trying it out, so more people inevitably managed to wade through the crap new player experience
  5. we have 40 different threat levels (1-10 for each color), they just arent shown to players
  6. little orbit is a front for the cartels :^)
  7. these were some of the old weekly rewards from fight club before we had joker tickets iirc
  8. the fc maps have always had better performance for me (altho asylum seems to load the physical map much slower on startup), i kind of assumed it was because they were smaller and had less players in them than action districts
  9. pmg just needs a range nerf, dunno why you brought up its pretty average ttk
  10. people downvoting your specific suggestions or feedback does not mean they want the entire game to stay exactly as it is, why are you pretending this is the case? i feel like it will be lost on you, but complaining about people ruining the game while spewing toxicity at anyone and everyone who disagrees with you is some top tier hypocrisy lol
  11. g1 sold the console publishing rights to another company (deep silver), who contracted out the console engine upgrade to another dev team (the workshop) that dev team didnt or couldnt complete the console engine upgrade, and g1 was forced to step in and attempt to finish within essentially an impossible timeframe (something like a year iirc)
  12. its all rtw trailer footage, which is why all the guns have the snub sound - they probably didnt have audio set up for the alpha stuff and the video uploader is just some random youtube account, just the video being titled "unit game" doesn't seem to mean anything
  13. consoles are what g1 had years ago, comparing the last beta to console gameplay there's a very clear difference
  14. the economy is fine lore wise not that unrealistic really, even heavily violent cartel areas in mexico have civilians on the street trying to go about their lives plus there isnt really a war going on in san paro yet, if you take the gameplay into account there's only 100-ish people involved in violent crimes at any given moment across a city the size of LA we were mid-escalation when g1 decided to pull the plug on the first dev team, so canonically were still right on the tipping point lore states that the rest of the country is almost as bad as san paro, and the feds have no interest in coming down hard on the city
  15. its likely the intent was to discourage fringe abuse (repeatedly parking det vehicles on objectives, repeatedly spawning det cars while camping near a vehicle spawner, etc), wothout overly affecting gameplay the mod itself is balanced just fine, but the lack of a cd timer allowed for undesirable behavior a player being forced to consider where and when they use an item to get max effectiveness sounds like a pretty basic apb building block to me, not a negative
  16. judging from this thread plenty of people think det is trash too, but idk what that has to do with similar vehicle mods having similar cooldowns unless youre implying meteor is trash because it has a 90s cd, when its really just that it has more downsides and less versatility than remote det, as well as only being available ona a single 10k jt vehicle
  17. its the same cd that meteor has, glad to see some consistency from orbit
  18. larger vehicles generally have larger fuel tanks
  19. i dont think anyone is suggesting that players should be able to max rof every gun and still have optimal performance - im pretty sure you know that, so can we maybe skip the part where you pretend thats what "reducing rng" means?
  20. moirai needs a weight/mass buff as well its knocked around far too easily for a vehicle that's based on two different full sized sedans and it has pathetic ramming power, increased weight would probably make it a little less flighty around corners
  21. seeing the state of the engine upgrade we're looking at months still and threat inflation would start immediately, by the time we got the engine upgrade/phasing/matchmaking reworks the game would be an awful mess well, more than it already is
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