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Everything posted by vsb

  1. man every post you make sounds like someone pissed in your cereal people asked for a halloween event so we got a halloween event, on top of a potential final engine upgrade push
  2. balancing =/= removing, but nice try we've seen that missions can be removed, so if the running mission was unintended it would be removed we've seen that vip/item slowdowns can be altered to the point of not even having to be in the vehicle, so if running was unintended they would simply be increased until vehicles could no longer move or even disable vip/item and vehicle interaction entirely
  3. it was a bug fix, did you even read the post?
  4. interesting changes, i look forward to testing these ingame any info on the pumpkin rewards, or are they unchanged?
  5. unbelievable let's talk simple. pretend apb is a house and every new piece of content is an extra story added. it may have started out as a single story building but at this point, our apb house is 6 or 7 stories and there's a problem - the foundation was only made to support up to 3 stories and its starting to crack. those cracks? that's the 15fps stutters, or the rtx memory crashes, or the half a dozen decade old bugs that can't be fixed the engine upgrade is an attempt to rebuild the whole house before everything breaks, so that in the future the devs can add as many stories as they want your suggestion is to just paint over the cracks and pretend they aren't there, and then keep adding more stories until the whole thing collapses hopefully you can see why your suggestion is a poor idea
  6. except we've seen the very things that affect running altered and patched already, some several times, so there's no reason to assume they can't be altered or patched again
  7. are you in the top 1%? because most of the players ive encountered who i would place in the top 1% have absolutely no issue completely avoiding explosive deaths questions of personal skill aside your sentence doesnt even make sense tbh, if youre balancing only around the 1% then you cant also balance around every single player being "stuck" in their current skill level and vice versa perfectly balanced top 1% gameplay will always mean there are lower effort gameplay options that a high skilled opponent may be able to easily outplay, thus making it balanced at that skill level, but low skill players will essentially be able to "cheese" for easy kills because their opponents are also less skilled - explosives are actually a fairly good example here, as high skill players have little difficulty capitalizing on the category's significant drawbacks, whereas lower skill players may not have the necessary positioning/map knowledge/teamwork/raw aim to do the same on a side note the misconception that explosives require "no skill" is pretty common, but really they just require a different set of skills from the hitscan weapons
  8. what is there to even disprove? if running was unintended then it would have been outright removed instead of balanced, because that's what you do to stuff that is unintended the game was designed with car chases in mind, and we even still have a mission which tries to force running for the final stage
  9. nerfing a gun because it performs well in fight club lmao
  10. i can see this being an issue in mission districts where generally every player matters, but who cares what other players do in fight club?
  11. except the mask was removed 2 years ago, so theyve had "a political side" this whole time funny how it's only an issue now
  12. little orbit is not rtw rtw isnt coming back why would anyone want to pay 60 bucks for rtw apb 2.0 when rtw apb 1.0 crashed and burned so hard it became an industry legend?
  13. lower vip/item acceleration doesn't mean running is not intended, it just means that the devs want running to have meaningful drawbacks to compensate for how easy it is vehicle health nerf was to curb carplay, which is almost the opposite of running
  14. i was more trying to imply that the gold sinks in apb don't matter much when symbols and themes cost nothing to produce and duplicate, printing money whenever its wanted is a surefire way to get inflation just easier to meme than write that out
  15. sounds like someone is memeing on op lmao
  16. you'd probably be better off saving your tickets and grabbing some permanent non-legendaries from the joker store instead, just putting that out there if you're set on a legendary then the sitting duck (sniper) and the condor (assault rifle) are the best bang for your buck - both are easy to use at multiple ranges and offer "unique" playstyles from non-JT weapons if you don't mind that overlap where your legendary is essentially just a fancy "regular" gun, then the ursus (assault rifle), the cap40 (smg), and the volcano (explosive) are all decent guns that compete with their f2p counterparts for secondary weapons the nano and the UL-3 series are both serviceable if you want a full auto option, but keep in mind that the starter fbw is arguably the best secondary
  17. you're complaining about 3/53 posts as if its something that gets posted every time, its unreal to me that anyone is complaining that the ceo of the whole patootie company is occasionally too busy to post a detailed update about nothing
  18. just play on a bunch of different accounts so it looks like a bunch of new players :^)
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