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Everything posted by vsb

  1. just post it so we can all make fun of you offer you tips together
  2. you dont, removed due to certain people abusing it
  3. lists are cool i like debates, and - again - i find it hard to believe someone using a macro on a carbine went 15-0 i wish you had put this in your first post im not defending the player or macroing, im just pointing out the negatives because - again - i think macros are more of a hindrance in apb, especially on a carbine i can change my name if its too hard for you to separate it from the things i post
  4. servers were fine after the battleye patch, i didnt notice anything until late friday night into saturday
  5. why can’t you wait in line like everyone else altho it would be cool to be able to buy instant support it would probably be a PR nightmare
  6. i’d much rather them rework it tbh, removing content isnt a great idea imo
  7. where in that sentence did i say macroing was ok? if it wasn’t already clear i was arguing that it was in no way obvious from the info you gave that the player was macroing, and if they were it’s hard to believe they went 15-0 because of it
  8. i never said it was ok? reading comprehension is important
  9. the carbine has pretty massive spread at full rof, larger than pretty much any dedicated cqc gun i can think of
  10. i’d argue that macroing won’t actually provide them with a real advantage, a max rof carbine is still going to get slammed by cqc weapons and will be useless for anything else player might have been scroll wheeling, that’s something i see every so often
  11. you shouldn’t have to i think are you starting apb through the launcher?
  12. but if you know it then why not do it? a majority of the minutia is “unconscious” tactics imo, so at that point your consciously choosing to do the “wrong” thing
  13. if you don’t play for kills how are you supposed to get an impressive scoreboard screenshot after the mission?
  14. technically wouldn’t that be interacting with the game tho? its firing your gun after all
  15. nah, fc is def where explosives need the least amount of skill imo, there’s little to no teamwork or situational awareness from anyone and the chaos allows you to just fire whenever u want and tag/kill multiple people edit: this is true of any weapon in fc to a certain extent
  16. we also still have fairfight for server sided statistical analysis, not sure what other side there is how is it unbalanced?
  17. battleye is client side, and that’s exactly what it’s purpose is ntec is pretty balanced
  18. but knowing the minutia is exactly the knowledge that would separate a gold from a silver, how can it not change the principle
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