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Everything posted by vsb

  1. imagine wanting the game to run at a stable frame rate what a cheater
  2. if you were actually an adult maybe you would understand that ruining the majority’s gaming experience for the enjoyment of the minority (you, in this case) is pretty selfish
  3. no need for refunds tbh, and orbit could stil release skins that are too complex to make with 100 layers if they wanted to continue selling skins
  4. average gold player here, there was a 13v13 silver fin as the only available district for hours yesterday, still don’t want to run around stomping lowbies just so i can play
  5. threat levels are definitely skewed down skill wise, and are far too easily manipulated imo
  6. yes the problem is that the matchmaking system only has so many players to work with, once it cant find that perfect 4 gold5 vs 4 gold5 match it starts to work its way through the second best, third best, fourth best, and so on eventually you end up with 4 gold5 vs 1 gold5, 2 silver6, and 1 bronze9 or something, simply because that was the fairest matchup possible with the available players - the alternative is waiting potentially hours with no opp if you're "too good" at the game
  7. vsb

    Polishing car hit kills

    what would this change other than making already difficult vehicle kills even more difficult?
  8. i dont understand this requires a carspawner/vending machine/mailbox, which may not be readily available depending on the mission area
  9. vsb

    Polishing car hit kills

    valzipram tablets allow a player to survive nearly any vehicle collision, provided the player is running the same direction the car is moving - is that not what you're looking for? vehicle kill speed is a deliberate design choice, if you dont like the values then thats why valzipram exists
  10. vsb

    Polishing car hit kills

    hes not talking about vehicle hitboxes, just the speeds at which vehicles can kill you vehicle kills are already entirely dependent on whether the target is paying attention or not, im not a fan of making them even harder also, theres already a mod (valzipram tablets) for this
  11. agreed expanding on this, why arent there other consumables available for purchase via joker tickets?
  12. frankly i'd like nonlegendary versions of all the current legendaries, its essentially free content that is just being wasted atm
  13. all they have to do in that case is drive more than 100m away and the team whose vehicles have been stolen lose the ability to destroy or hijack their own vehicles back
  14. a valid point many of the kitted vehicles have parts that cover part or all of certain vehicle windows, would this affect shooting through windows? if so it would go completely against the "customization doesnt affect gameplay" that apb was built around more importanly, it would introduce an element of p2w since may kits are only available through armas and some kits are different depending on faction, creating further unbalance: criminal kit enforcer kit
  15. shows just how subjective this suggestion is tbh - aside from not liking that particular skin, i think the frenzy version looks the best
  16. friendly reminder that each threat color still has 10 threat levels, it’s just not visually shown
  17. lease stacking is limited by the amount of weapons you can buy per category, just like modifications there’s a certain amount instock and a cooldown period until the weapon is “restocked” orbit has added a handy little ui menu in the last patch that allows you to renew leases right from your inventory (10 day, 20 day and 30 day options iirc) - its located in the same menu where the refurbish option is edit: lease renewing seems to still be dependent on "instock" inventory (smgs are 50 days, but explosives are still limited to 10 days at a time), despite not using a contact
  18. allowing golds to freely stomp bronzes is only going to make the population even more unhealthy
  19. vsb

    Pedestrians overhaul

    the civilians and the civilian vehicles are just set pieces on rail tracks, thats why civilian vehicles dont move if they're hit by a car and civilians will turn around and run back if theres an obstacle in their path adding dynamic reactions to civilians would require a lot of work because theres so many possible options, and it would put more stress on the already shoddy servers
  20. the mods highlight your vehicle on radar enemies would know exactly which car to take also whats to stop one team from sitting inside another team's vehicles on an item drop final stage, so that they cant be used to transport items?
  21. vsb

    Pedestrians overhaul

    would require ai, which is a very time consuming system to implement
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