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Everything posted by vsb

  1. both theres no button to just buy maximum available ammo, you have to purchase each ammo type separately, if you try to purchase too much ammo (why is this even a thing) you have to close out pop up warning boxes, etc all that plus the monstrously bad ui performance
  2. this is how the game originally was, g1 unintentionally broke something at some point so that the game automatically resupplies you after a death its not my favorite thing, but really only because the ammo purchasing system is so clunky
  3. working as intended really tho, is this just through railings? also i need a track name for that smooth jazz my dude
  4. no idea, i just remember there being hella goldfarmer spam back in obt
  5. i feel like that promotes RMT far too much, something orbit has already said they dont like
  6. large empty open world maps are pretty played out imo, id much rather have a smaller city section thats very intricate (interiors, rooftops, ledges, etc)
  7. yeah i’m not adverse to new titles i like idea for a certain number of trades reward tho
  8. rather than that the trading system should probably be added to the ingame tutorial, as bad as it is
  9. i mean, there would be different gameplay merely because of the map being different as for weapon choice, i'd be fine with a repeat of financial meta since its pretty well balanced for all weapon types
  10. this is still in the game iirc seems like a good place for a friendly reminder that my favorite song is still mislabeled in the music player back when g1 did the community artist program and removed some of the old tracks because of licensing issues, SGX - Have No Tyrant was renamed to SGX - Peripatetic but it kept the same audio
  11. i remember thinking the og thread was pretty cool while we dont have enough contacts or content (or population, as least on jericho) for a new district, i cant say that a map change wouldnt be crazy refreshing after all these years with financial and waterfront
  12. +rep for breaking tos i guess oh and +rep to all the “trusted” middlemen who scammed people anyway lol
  13. i’m also hearing that if player 1 alters the trade (i.e. quickly removes an item) after player 2 accepts, player 1 can still accept the trade and it will go through seeing as this system was held back specifically so that various scamming exploits could be fixed, why is it that the trade doesn’t default to “unaccepted” if any items are removed or added? then again i’m hearing this secondhand so who knows if it’s correct edit: spazzed
  14. theres never been actual objectives in chaos/anarchy districts, even though probably half the forum community has suggested it at one time or another
  15. seems pretty open and shut, was there a need for a thread?
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