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Everything posted by vsb

  1. wiping banned accounts should never be a thing imo, but names that remain unbanned and have no playtime for a certain amount of time should be wiped perhaps send out an email every year with a link to save your name (or just log in to the game), otherwise inactive names will be freed if anything this would probably make orbit money, people might be more likely to purchase a name change if the name theyve wanted for a while gets freed up
  2. create account, add card, use card to buy g1c
  3. theres barely a silver district up at all times and you want to split the population up even more?
  4. i get where this is coming from, and i think its also even more important on jericho where theres rarely more than one silver district up at a time but on the other hand, would anyone ever play in waterfront again if we got this change?
  5. i know its a meme but thats hella nice work lol some more low effort shapes
  6. if you read the thread you would see that a large number of those 70k tickets were false my two tickets took 3 weeks and 4 weeks respectively (both about account issues), perhaps yours will take the same
  7. i’m not sure the willful ignorance of a single bug compares well to the intended change to an entire weapon category tbh and while orbit did fix their mistake (way faster than g1 would have) after implementing the initial changes (despite the complaints of the few otw testers), they did so by implementing more changes that they seem to have decided on their own, all while allowing players to give negligible feedback
  8. i’m not sure the rsa really needs more accuracy, it’s ably to hit reliably out to its drop off in my experience, if it had to get a buff i’d say lower equip time act44 could def use extra accuracy forcing ubercqc to get reliable hip fire hits seems acceptable to me, especially with the relatively high burst damage the rfp does
  9. isn’t that what T was by default before it became the new tutorial menu?
  10. there is a need for incentives imo, while good testing does require actual gameplay scenarios it also requires a lot of non-gameplay activity which generally isn’t fun or entertaining at all - if you’re going to ask the players to voluntarily not play, shouldn’t you make it worth their time? especially on jericho where even the minor player shift into the test districts meant regular districts suffered as well drawing the devs attention to issues only works if the devs actually pay attention, more on that below i’ve yet to see any actual acknowledgement of feedback in relation to balance changes, the devs seemingly provide 2 test district options but then arbitrarily choose to use one for live stats regardless of what players discuss - the only exceptions were the shotgun and ir3 changes, both of which the devs recieved pretty vehement feedback on from otw and went live with anyway, only to revert them once literally the entire forum community voiced their opinion i have no issues with this, if the devs have a specific vision for what they want apb to be and are consistently working towards that more power to them (although obviously ill still voice my opinion about it) i just think think it’s a little disengenuous to pretend that the players’ feedback has so much power over the game direction frankly i imagine we’d be in largely the same place we are now, except maybe lixil would still be streaming with players
  11. as much as i agree, was there a need to post a second thread in the wrong forum section?
  12. 8 / 10 great cruise vibes never fails to make me feel like im wasting my life
  13. wouldnt poor people be the only ones who dont have the time to worry about this?
  14. stk increases to 6 immediately after 10m, the FR0Gs have no overdamage whatsoever iirc
  15. what part of immersion is buying ammunition from a supply box that you (or your character, for immersive purposes) already owns? id say games are going to dogshit status because of the increasingly common practice of adding tedious, time consuming mechanics that have no purpose other than to slow down gameplay and calling it “content”
  16. yeah i don’t think the .45 needs to be touched, if you’re hitting 5 out of 7 consecutive shots on a moving target at 40m i think you deserve a kill rfp should def get a range nerf
  17. you upvote if you agree, so you downvote if you disagree what’s the big deal?
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