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Everything posted by vsb

  1. considering shotguns have been changed specifically so that missing pellets is less of an issue, i dont think thats what happened here
  2. ah didnt even realize there was a shot that didnt trigger a hitmarker just makes it seem even more like shit reg tbh
  3. pretty sure they just decreased the rof on guns and called it day
  4. obligatory "wEbSiTe iS gEtTiNg MoRe WoRk tHaN tHe gAmEs"
  5. i dont think this is official concept art, the logo is incbox's they do pretty nice work imo, but as far as im aware they have no official relation to apb
  6. reduced rewards was done for a few years, dethreaters want easy opposition over apb$ and standing
  7. it would be one large server with everyone’s characters, and you would select a district (fin - oce3) in your appropriate region
  8. ttk has gone down over the years so i don’t understand where youre coming from i do agree that the removal of sprint shooting was far more detrimental than beneficial; carbine/oscar were barely affected, while guns that likely weren’t even considered during testing were significantly affected
  9. console patches depend on sony/microsoft approval afaik
  10. anarchy/chaos mode came out way before the br hype, and really don’t resemble br at all so idk where this comparison came from further supported by the fact that g1 actually did “attempt” an actual br mode, we just never got it
  11. the instant equip time vs “finishing” damage is the snubs niche, although a super narrow niche that’s not worth giving up the dependability most other secondaries have
  12. i'd be more concerned about guns becoming more and more similar when it comes to power creep want to buff the star so it competes with the ntec? increase accuracy recovery now the ntec is falling behind in cqc? increase the base hipfire accuracy and so on, and eventually everyone is playing with the same guns and the game is boring as hell while all the things youve said about nerfing are true, reverse power creep would allow for guns with far different playstyles to remain valid options
  13. bannable, probably not enforceable
  14. yes “thats where the similarities end” obviously means that’s exactly where they continue what?
  15. wow this is perfect evidence send it to little orbit so these people can be banned right away
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