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Everything posted by vsb

  1. a nice revamp of your earlier suggestion i kind of went through these out of order vehicle specific mods are not a good idea imo, nor do i particularly like having the 4th mod slot essentially "locked" you havent specified what color these mods would be, or if they are a new color altogether which could lead to some pretty broken combinations with existing vehicle mods not sure about giving hot rods nearly the same stats as the vegas 4x4 tbh i like the idea of an alternate way to obtain a f2p version of the 4x4, but the stats arent exactly balanced well compared to other vehicles especially with some of your proposed new mods a new vehicle model is a lot of work as far as i know if the hot rod is going to have similar stats as the vegas i think it should follow the same price model as well 0slot - 40,000 1slot - 80,000 2slot - 200,000 3slot - 400,000 4slot - 1,000,000 / armas purchase imo theres no reason to require JT to purchase something from a contact that isnt connected to the joker ticket store, and more importantly a contact who doesnt give out joker tickets as a reward but if you're really set on it prices should still follow the vegas' lead 1slot - 105,000 / 7,000 JT 2slot - 120,000 / 8,000 JT 3slot - 135,000 / 9,000 JT 4slot - 150,000 / 10,000 JT while id also like a wooden skin set, im not sure it really fits with a racing contact perhaps instead of a weapon skin you could unlock vehicle kit parts for the hotrod? theres 2 different racing outfits available on armas, do you think those should be added as f2p rewards? idk how this fits with racing either tbh, why not some alternate racing headwear? space the rewards out a bit more, theres nothing worse than a level that doesnt reward you with anything imo could probably up the required standing, i think this works out to about 100 first place wins for max level id say let this new contact be available from the start, you just have to specifically pledge to him in order to be able to do races would premium affect race rewards? would races always be the same? i think that would get stale pretty fast - i would just make the start point and end point random like mission objectives, perhaps with the added rule that they have to be at least 500m-600m away from each other races should be able to be started from anywhere on the map, for added variety would races allow participants to hit each others cars? frankly i dont think racing is a valid addition at all to apb at this point since theres really only 2 cars that would be used (3, if your hotrod is added) everyone's vehicles are also the same because theres no "tuning" system, and the maps themselves werent made to challenge driver skill through racing like a game built around racing from the ground up, so most races would come down to who gets lucky/unlucky with traffic or whoever rams everyone else off the road first additionally vehicle handling in general is fairly lacking, with some vehicles performing with more realistic weight physics and some with less that said, i do like the idea of apb having something for everyone so ive tried to treat this suggestion objectively
  2. just make more money lol its so simple really tho, just keep searching for someone who isnt interested in putting in the time to sell for 5m
  3. im pretty sure one was in here earlier today, guess this is all officially approved
  4. reward reductions didnt stop people from playing in the wrong threat level districts, i doubt it will stop anyone from playing in the "wrong" contact district
  5. i thought you meant right here where you can hear either his macro or his free scroll wheel dry firing hardcore lmao dont use other people's commissioned art without their permission or without crediting
  6. forums only went up 3 months ago, aren’t we all newcomers?
  7. can you not? i’ll have to go back to yerking over scoreboards if they remove forum rep
  8. don’t use big words you’ll confuse him
  9. its apparently wf day today, so financial looks like waterfront does that really count as playing?
  10. 3) they just cant? besides that, we're running on 30ms servers and anything that risks lowering that is a pretty serious decision imo
  11. given the fact that theres only a silver wf about once a week (if that), im going to say you're in the extreme minority
  12. as far as im aware at least one speedhack exploit is just a fundamental flaw in the current unreal engine code, idk how fixable that is, but it should be a nonissue once we get the upgrade
  13. i havent seen any wet wipes in little orbits bathroom, count me out
  14. the captain always goes down with the ship
  15. iq test for posting privileges when?
  16. why are you bothering to comment if you dont even know whats going on? as for the op, i dont know what server you play on but on jericho ive seen a grand total of 2 people who i'd definitively say were cheating
  17. wow man u sure r good at this third rate shooter how much do u charge for lessons
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