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Everything posted by vsb

  1. everyone using the ntec will just switch to the obeya and then in a few months we’ll see “nerf obeya” threads
  2. yeah ike the obir lmao damn that things ugly, least it sounds nice wish the ffa just wasn’t so undersized
  3. if only it didn’t look so damn awful
  4. i’m not really that knowledgeable on the technical side of things but 1) one hooks into the actual game and reads whenever you mouse over an enemy - it will press the “shoot” button for you this version is “better” because it will almost always work, as long as the game thinks you’re aimed at an enemy it will fire for you, but it’s risky because client side anticheats can detect it, since it’s accessing the game while it’s running alternatively, any given patch could also render it obsolete if certain code values are changed 2) two is an external program that never touches the game, instead it scans a section of your monitor for a specific color/color change (in this case, the center of the monitor for the red crosshair) - when it detects that color it will press the “shoot” button for you its less reliable (crosshairs in apb are semi-transparent so even the red crosshair shade changes based on what you’re aiming at, and things like joker ammo machines and fire hydrants can trigger if the cheat is configured poorly) but depending on how a client side anticheat is set up its theoretically undetectable pls no report
  5. it’s not like nerfing the ntec will suddenly force variety into the game, there’s a reason that metas exist
  6. so your solution to stop some people from feeling upset that someone gets the reward they worked for, is to make other people upset that someone gets the reward they worked for? that’s an impressive logical loop you’ve constructed
  7. as someone who owns a yukon, no change necessary it was literally broken before as confirmed by a dev during the last weapon balancing
  8. i assume this means european and not engine upgrade regardless this is a really good step forward, i remember a lot of complaints during initial weapon balancing from eu players about not being able to properly test things on otw
  9. i see you posted some indecipherable word soup but i also see you used the trademark moron smiley emoji, so i guess this is supposed to be a clapback?
  10. that explains a lot tbh im so sorry about your dementia
  11. op is a magical human anticheat op should get a job at the circus and stop bothering us
  12. i also miss colby, it was nice having all the nerds quarantined somewhere away from me
  13. i realize that things don’t always go as planned and that the dev team can’t switch direction at a moments notice, but this whole “last minute, big changes” thing really shouldn’t be happening quite so often that said as someone who didn’t bother with the event i don’t think it’s fair for me to recieve the skin, nor do i think it’s fair to the actual winners for everyone else to receive the same reward “just for trying their hardest” - that’s a garbage decision that may or may not invalidate someone’s sense of achievement if you’re going to give out the autumn skin regardless i think you should also give out an extra something of equal value to the actual winners, so they still have something to mark their achievement by
  14. there's a 20% discount on g1c from now until forever
  15. you agreed with my point and then it apparently also went over your head, im a little confused
  16. i mean, if you were going to spend your first money on apb wouldnt you buy the weapon that you've been leasing for potentially hundreds of hours? id be willing to bet that a majority of players' first purchases are either cosmetic or a permanent version of a f2p gun
  17. seeing as tiggs no longer works on apb reloaded and mattscott has expressed his concern for upcoming joker box legalities, id be pretty surprised if the power boxes are sold again unless theres a huge demand from the community i guess
  18. thats a good idea imo, and a decent way to expand the whole nano/stac daily activity thing
  19. you could argue that the player having access to the specialist contacts, and arguably being a specialist contact, means they'd have access to the rare instances where enforcer/military gear is trafficked
  20. lets not pretend that a fixed schedule for any event is a good idea, it doesnt matter what time it is since it will always exclude a pretty decent amount of people
  21. because obviously its not clear since people disagree
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