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Everything posted by vsb

  1. omocha has been very clear for years that she’s done with apb monte, jotun, and revoe all “quit” and farfletched followed them afaik kullgar made about 2 posts, safe to assume he was either fake or just some server tech that got “promoted” because there wasn’t anyone else orbit confirmed months ago that tiggs is gone
  2. have you accounted for dunkelstein errors
  3. thank i appreciate that i’ll be in town forever because i have an addiction to apb and i can’t leave please end my suffering haha
  4. im pretty sure you're right but honestly i dont even remember anymore
  5. feel free to tell me which stats belong to the csg and which belong to the tas20
  6. as far as im aware the tas20 was, and remains, a csg reskin
  7. trash orbit on the forums all the time :^)
  8. from what mattscott posted in another thread armas is actually pretty difficult to work with, i imagine the limited time offers are a way to appease the debundle requests without having to redo the whole website
  9. 5 / 10 very neutral does this count as a genre crossover
  10. people like this are why support is drowning in tickets
  11. mattscott has already stated he was looking into this several times iirc i dont expect anything until perhaps the final stages of the engine upgrade release process at the very least
  12. its pretty overrated, while the obir is a really good gun theres no reason for a reskin to command such a high price tag - especially since its nowhere near rare, despite no longer being available from armas
  13. all i can imagine is the horrible balance
  14. there's already problems with semi clientside on-foot movement, why would you want more
  15. except in this case it was clearly marked that the box contained a muffin, not a cake
  16. then dont ask for more details examples of customization achieved with the use of the bundle there's nothing unscrupulous about it, the contents of the bundle are very clearly listed on armas
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