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Everything posted by vsb

  1. assuming you’re one of the saner people on this forum, do you really think the majority of this community can distinguish between a gold3 and a cheater?
  2. what else is he supposed to reply with exactly? riot and the engine upgrade are "being worked on" just like they have been for the last few months, op says he trawls the forums everyday so he has the exact same knowledge as everyone in this thread
  3. that’s true, i didn’t really think of what the actual clothing categories contain yeah i’ve seen at least one non-disgrACEful (ha ha) design that used the cow skull mask well i should clarify that i don’t think super specific cosmetics are bad, arguably the ability to use them differently from intended is proof of being a good designer, but i’d much rather get 4 more juggernaut packs than 4 more revelations packs
  4. kind of a misleading poll, i doubt anyone wants a pack of 20 pairs of earrings and nothing else clothing in apb needs to be kept simple for the most part in order to allow for maximum customization freedom, yet over the years clothing packs have gotten more and more specific (a bleached cow skull mask is not something that can be adapted to many outfits) so i think i’d like to see something similar to the sports packs released, a variety of simple yet extensively customizable clothing that still follows a theme (and the fact that the sports packs are account bound definitely factors in HINT HINT LITTLE ORBIT) perhaps a ‘business casual’ pack with long/short sleeved polos, fitted suits, some different dress shoes/loafers, watches, etc maybe a ‘hypebeast’ pack with different sneakers, several long-sought-after hoodie variants, and some “designer” jacket styles, airpods (for the memes), etc honestly i think even a pack that contains a large number of already released items, but with several different textures (leather, vinyl, distressed, etc) or several different wear styles (loose, fitted, zipped, unzipped, etc) would go a long way to adding customization benefits with - i assume - a minimal amount of dev effort edit: i voted for “all of the above”, since most packs have multiple categories of clothing
  5. could i trouble you to repeat this, but in english this time?
  6. as someone who has spent a lot of money on joker boxes, i honestly don’t mind them - especially compared to other games’ loot box models sure there could be some consumer friendly tweaks (clearly displayed odds, no leases of items you have already purchased, etc), maybe some ingame balance changes (offering “normal” f2p variants of legendaries, tweaking current legendaries to be more unique than useful, etc), and legendaries should probably stop being called “legendary” so people stop thinking they’re supposed to be better (maybe take a page from the division and call them “exotics”) in the end although i think joker boxes are mostly fine i won’t be too broken up about it if they’re removed effects on premium will be interesting to see, the bill is pretty vague on some of the p2w definitions regardless of all the speculation around exactly what is defined as what, this bill will likely take years to become law (if it ever does), not much of a point worrying about it now
  7. the only “competitive” variant is the golden marksman (which could technically be p2w i guess) and even that is slightly below average at best
  8. punkbuster was worthless from day 1 of RTW, not only was it horrible at actually detecting cheats but it caused numerous performance issues tiggs was a CM, and she remained so until 2017(?) when she became the latest in the long line of producers that g1 went through like a coke fiend doing lines while i will freely admit that she communicated frequently after she was first hired theres almost no possibility she had any input on development issues off the top of my head weapon balance new events 1.5 new guns armas price reduction armas layout revamp new symbols new anticheat new titles new engagement via social media are you going to spin this as a positive for g1 while simultaneously ignoring that orbit is also working on their own inhouse anticheat measures? g1 never attempted to replicate innova's platform (a highly invasive and unique [game specific?] client side anticheat) despite its apparent success, this was a very hot button forum topic over the years this isnt how you fool fairfight even if it was it would render half of your post irrelevant because fairfight would be an obsolete anticheat across the industry, and g1 would be the company that implemented 2 failed anticheats p.s. you fucked up quotes again
  9. or maybe its just easy to get pistol kills on bad players who hackusate on the forums :^)
  10. the update to unreal 4 will require a total rewrite anyway, at this point the 3.5 upgrade is just to ensure the game doesn’t die in the meantime
  11. afaik this is more of a legal issue, altho its also generally distasteful
  12. ticket response times were down to 6 weeks as of the last update iirc i think we've yet to go a week without mattscott posting on the forums, compared to months of silence from tiggs/g1 are you talking about fairfight, the anticheat that hadnt been updated in a year and was false banning people? or maybe you mean punkbuster, the actual laughing stock of the anticheat industry? g1 always put just enough into apb to scam a profit out of players, nothing more nothing less care to share a source for this? iirc orbit has enough employees to have multiple development teams did you forget that g1 worked on a battle royale mode too? as much as i dislike riot can you even imagine the dumpster fire that a g1 br would be? and the reason we didnt get the trash pictured above (other than g1's incompetence) was because orbit bought apb lol
  13. do i have to spell it out for you if you could leave opposed missions easily no one would ever get to play again, people would just quit missions until they find opposition who they know they can beat - who in turn will quit on them
  14. if the mission is unopposed type /abandonmission into the chat if the mission is opposed the only way to leave is to quit the game, for (hopefully) obvious reasons
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