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Everything posted by vsb

  1. iirc 64 bit ahk was undetectable by punkbuster
  2. if you don't have to be good anyway then why bother reworking or removing the skill component of the rare dailies? yeah i'd like to see the rare dailies get less rare and rng based, with perhaps a difficulty increase to compensate
  3. i see no reason to remove rewards for being better at the game, a large lack of incentives for higher threat is partly to blame for apb's dethreating issues imo
  4. they very well could have, but im pretty sure almost all macros (simple ones at least) these days are run through inbuilt mouse/keyboard software there's just no effective way to police that without just banning the software itself which comes with the obvious issue of 99% of players passively using it
  5. orbit has said that the advanced launcher will be allowed until they can implement its options into the ingame UI, so that should be fine other game file edits could technically be detectable, but its extremely doubtful crosshair overlays would depend on what program is running the overlay, otherwise its undetectable
  6. you been told wrong multiple times
  7. i imagine it would be pretty difficult to pick up macros tbh just normal fluctuating latency would force different "click" speeds
  8. does anyone use that? it’s been useless for years after it got nuked
  9. yeah lemme just equip a pair of knee pads as my secondary
  10. oh shit, finally something to spend the thousands of random JTs i have sitting around on ntec compact was a modified ntec 5 model tho wasn’t it? not that a modified ntec 7 is totally original either lol
  11. https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/news/2019/4/19/riot-rundown
  12. been missing from the JT store for years now iirc
  13. cosmetic reskins are the way to go moving forward imo apb already almost has too many guns and at this point its clear that we can barely balance the weapons we currently have, no sense in adding more
  14. vsb


    the whole game is a meme
  15. vsb


    these screenshots are from the public apb discord that has more members than apb has active players, its not like i broke into the pentagon
  16. vsb


    grindin' 24/7 i respect that
  17. so it looks like orbit is implementing easy anti cheat and discontinuing battleye at some point in the (hopefully near) future [images taken from the unofficial APB Reloaded Community discord] [image courtesy of @Ketog] discuss i guess
  18. probably got bored of the apb equivalent of dunking on kindergartners in basketball
  19. it’s pretty depressing that my first thoughts were “how did they play apb for so long without disconnecting” and “how can anyone stand to play apb for so long”
  20. and one of your clan members got mad because he was told to stop spamming his dethreating pics in the unofficial apb discord the highs and lows of a mediocre apb clan
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