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Everything posted by vsb

  1. the gun with a .76s ttk? should have gone with n-fa 9 at least m8
  2. right? playing with friends is the only thing that makes apb bearable plus solo seems way more rage inducing
  3. awkwardly, the stovepipe hat and the top hat are some of the few items not on currently on sale
  4. literal brick of text jesus christ viewing monetization schemes as a whole is a mistake, imo despite repeated use of buzzwords like "predatory" and "psychological manipulation" not all monetization schemes are equal and they should not be treated equally businesses tailor their product to be as enticing as possible, aside from any mechanic that forces a player to purchase loot boxes/microtransactions, this is standard practice - do you complain that supermarkets are laid out specifically to "psychologically manipulate" customers to buy more and buy things they don't need?
  5. there were some hiccups around 4pm est iirc, later on i was told it resolved itself but at the time it was noticeably affecting play edit: hopefully this actually mitigates the ddosing, the performance for the last few months has been atrocious
  6. but the option to purchase legendaries for ingame cash means you dont need to spend irl money i cant tell if you're doing it on purpose or not but you're repeatedly speaking about loot boxes and microtransactions as a whole, rather than the separate and different implementations each game has
  7. yeah thats specifically not in the harassment category
  8. as i understand it, since you always get something worth more than 100 g1c its technically not gambling as defined under the law i just dont get how the loot box argument really applies to joker boxes, other than vaguely similar opening mechanics - everything available in joker boxes can be unlocked for free ingame iirc
  9. vsb


    so is op quitting or not
  10. this is one of the largest reasons for the engine upgrade, it will allow the garbage systems we have now to actually be tweaked/changed entirely without destroying the rest of the game given how often this is discussed and how old you are as a player its odd that you dont know this already
  11. have a repost, maybe repetition will finally make it through to the staff
  12. i had hoped orbit understood the issues with events like this, considering they’ve been pointed out during/after every other similar event -short notice -weekday -specific time -specific district -skill/rng-based mechanics -repeat winners -the base game is still broken all of these factors combine to discourage or outright prevent players from taking part, leading to an event that (if following the pattern of similar past events) leads to more frustration and anger than happy fun staff-player bonding more frustration and anger is the opposite of what this playerbase needs, just in case that wasn’t obvious this trend of acknowledging feedback but then blasting ahead regardless is getting really old really fast and judging by this thread i’m not the only one who feels this way
  13. if you get genuinely angry at a video game maybe you should take a long look at yourself, because you’re an idiot
  14. a forum member not caring about your opinion is not harassment
  15. lol nah unreal 4 engine upgrade is years out at best, orbit has already said it requires a complete rewrite of the game from the ground up
  16. maybe it’s because it’s 2am here but is this just a lot of unnecessary words to present a couple of broad/vague statements for anyone else?
  17. ok folks place your bets, who's the hypocrite cheater
  18. nekrova has become the new... what was that other other servers name again?
  19. we’re still going in circles - why would a company looking for profit purposefully tank their product?
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