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Everything posted by vsb

  1. still confusing "the problem" with "your opinion" i do not dismiss every thread that discusses the major issues with the game, i dismiss those that are unconstructive - from what ive seen on the forums, many other users do the same
  2. i have no experience with the backend of these games, do the creators of the games receive any profit or is it purely the owner of the site? comparing simple flash games with AAA titles is a little disingenuous imo - taking apb as an example, do you truly think ad revenue alone would cover the $100 million development costs? if ads are feasible as a sole revenue source (which i doubt), is intrusive advertising truly better than microtransactions? this is a microtransaction so at this point a large part of your argument falls apart, because it appears you are in favor of some microtransactions while calling for all microtransactions to be regulated i understand that its your opinion, i gave the reasons i think subscriptions and microtransactions are similar and now im asking for the reasons why you think they are different this has no bearing on the question i asked "different industries can have different levels of psychological manipulation, but within an industry all implementations are the same?" the coin pusher is not the focus, its an example the focus there are different forms of gambling you state that microtransactions are the same as gambling therefore if there are different forms of gambling there should be different forms of microtransactions
  3. "threads like these" you mean aggressive, insulting threads filled with misinformation where the op immediately turns to insulting other forum users? what a shock that like begets like - if you want to complain about enabling negativity take a long hard look in the mirror, no one is going to afford you the courtesy you mistakenly think you deserve for an uninformed rant no one is dismissing the problems, you're letting your ego confuse "the problems" with "your opinion" and given the rest of your posts in this thread im inclined to believe its intentional you set the tone for the entire thread with your first post, it should come as no surprise that no one wants to put up with your attitude again you're confusing "the problems" with "your opinion" - stating that orbit is in fact working on the cheating issue already is not enabling cheaters, stating that unnecessarily inflammatory posts arent needed is not enabling cheaters, and stating that the way you present your opinion is not constructive is not enabling cheaters accusing everyone who disagrees with you of intentionally supporting cheaters is incredibly unconstructive, good job with the cognitive dissonance no one has said "just let little orbit work slow", because little orbit is not intentionally working slow, because little orbit is aware that every second they delay working on issues is more money spent on apb for no return i'd wager at this point most people don't believe the eu is going to be a magical fix because it isnt going to be, its a foundation not a roof but we've been told by 2 separate companies that the engine upgrade is necessary to further progress the game, we've been told by 2 separate companies why the engine upgrade is necessary to further progress the game, and at this point its clear (unless you refuse to believe the only official sources of information) that completing the engine upgrade will allow for the most positive results in the future
  4. “if you aren’t with me you’re against me” is an inherently flawed argument fyi when was the last time someone standing over your shoulder repeating “hurry up” made you work faster? thats the point people are trying to make - little orbit is aware of the major issues, little orbit has stated that they are aware of the major issues, and little orbit is working on the major issues repeating the major issues ad nauseam at this point achieves nothing
  5. i’m gonna say you’re wrong on this one, i can’t find any f2p game that doesn’t have microtransactions where do you think f2p revenue comes from with no microtransactions? as much as you try to make this sound like a magnanimous compromise, it’s not a compromise at all - AO rated games not only have severely restricted sales (most distributors/publishers refuse to carry AO rates games), but in many countries AO rated games are subject to legal ramifications (up to and including outright bans) saying microtransactions can stay in AO rates games is like telling someone they either do what you say or die, it’s not really a choice but what is the reasoning behind that opinion? in both cases players are psychologically manipulated into spending money in both cases the monetization model is intended to keep players paying over time when it comes down to it the only difference is that most f2p microtransaction models never force the consumer to pay so different industries can have different levels of psychological manipulation, but within an industry all implementations are the same? that seems kind of arbitrary but you don’t need to be over a legal age to use a coin pusher machine just like there’s different levels of gambling with different regulations, there are different levels of microtransactions and they should have different regulations
  6. so there's no place for f2p games in your opinion? you're going to have to expand on this, as far as im concerned it could apply to any type of game because in my opinion a player reaching level X in a subscription-based game and deciding they want to pay (forever) to continue playing is no different from a player reaching level X in a f2p game and deciding they want to buy a cool hat and on the opposite side, is a player reaching level X in a subscription-based game and being forced to pay (forever) to continue playing all that different from a player reaching level X in say, candy crush, and being forced to pay to progress higher? i was speaking of more every day "predatory" selling, like my previous example of supermarkets that are purposely set up to manipulate customers into purchases, or free trials for streaming services, or even arcade coin pusher machines all of these employ psychological manipulation and yet video games are being singled out as a whole for some reason (note that i do understand that there are implementations of microtransactions and loot boxes that are harmful, but as ive made clear in this thread i do not believe all implementations are inherently bad)
  7. yup, only sent to one character i don't remember this being mentioned in the armas revamp discussion, @MattScott was there a specific reason for this or was it just overlooked?
  8. regardless of how effective they are, purchasing and integrating 2 separate anticheats is definitely not "doing nothing" imo
  9. they were at the time i purchased them, i remember it being a big deal because it was the first new clothing pack that g1 had ever introduced as account bound (and because the clothes are all basic) if they arent account bound anymore that might have been something else lost during the revamp as well i'll buy one on a separate account to see if they're still account bound
  10. just have full accuracy and you still have 850 damage cannon lmao
  11. key to the city key to the world pack of revelations juggernaut pack afaik these are the only clothing items available as account bound, the debundled single clothing items from the revelations pack seem to have lost their account bound option at some point during the armas revamp edit - these packs are no longer account bound all stars pack hard hitters pack basketball pack baseball clothing pack hockey clothing pack football clothing pack
  12. that does make it clearer, and i definitely disagree follow up questions: at what point does something stop being a normal consumer-marketed product and become a "predatory" product? why are subscription-based games (most of which allow players to play for free until a certain level/time) exempt from this? why should only video games have these special regulations against psychological manipulation of consumers?
  13. its like talking to a badly coded chinese room bot ive expressed that i don't view all monetization/loot box implementation as the same (because they're not) and therefore they should be treated the same you disagree you then go on to express that there are different monetization/loot box implementations so lets try this again, if both microtransactions and loot boxes are implemented on a spectrum - from "not predatory" (e.g. cosmetic options only) to "predatory" (e.g. content locked behind paywall) and everything in between - what is your reasoning for labeling all implementations as equal, regardless of their position on the spectrum?
  14. then its 30% off try to keep up
  15. i wonder if posting a solution to the ddosing was taken as some sort of challenge by the perpetrators perhaps it would have been better to say nothing at all
  16. first off there was 3 questions, and i very clearly answered one
  17. i thought “don’t play in a group” meant “don’t play in a premade group” but it i can definitely see how playing in a random pug would be frustrating, doesn’t seem much different from soloing at that point
  18. did you even read the thread? this is citadels event time, jericho is 4pm pst/7pm est
  19. so you agree that different monetization schemes exist and yet you still think they should all be treated equally why?
  20. just ban seedy from viewing the forums at all, then everyone’s problems will be solved on a serious note, iirc the first post of a new account has to be approved by moderators anyway, so there’s already a filter on new accounts it’s not like these new members have less of a right to voice their opinion just because they have a 2019 join date - after all the end goal of apb development is to get thousands of new players
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