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Everything posted by vsb

  1. we’ve been waiting for 1 year as far as little orbit is concerned
  2. aim click repeat as necessary for .75s or until golden brown seriously tho it’s all about positioning with the carbine, you’re never going to win a straight up face trade with an oca unless the oca sucks
  3. but you can get multiple colors for it :^)
  4. might as well just make apb spin up an empty district for every match at that point tbh
  5. you specifically have to hit the subscribe button so no one to blame but yourself i really hope you don't issue a chargeback tho, not really looking forward to your "banned for no reason" thread after it goes through
  6. probably most just leave the game running because its easier than restarting, especially if they arent going to run missions/fc where performance would be an issue
  7. as far as i can tell the pmg is never more accurate then the tommy gun unless you're comparing hipfire accuracy the aces might win in a raw ttk comparison but it requires very close range targets in order to reliably hit that .63s, the tommy gun can out range it pretty easily i'd very much like to see anyone use a csg to get a 3stk on a moving target at 23m the best way to do it is hipfire 2 shots and then use marksmanship mode for the 3rd at "longer" ranges, that way you get the tighter spread to ensure max damage without dealing with the rof penalty
  8. something something beggars can’t choosers
  9. it would require a lot of people but in a location like grayson fell's parking garage you could fill the entire space with player spawned cars and then ramp civilian cars down on top of them, its possible you could get 2 or even 3 layers of cars packed in no groups to minimize the chances of vehicle damage/explosions
  10. can you clarify what orbit's communication ability has to do with how much they play apb?
  11. they aren’t low yields, but you’re right that they aren’t percs either
  12. idk how often/where you play but the nfas is easily tied with oca for cqc meta atm - and as you said there’s a reason for that
  13. why not? the gun has solid drawbacks, and if anything was underpowered until the shotgun pellet change cant wait to see what beastie decides to fuck up next
  14. griefing isn’t going anywhere although it does seem that orbit is tightening up ingame moderation of it a little bit
  15. maybe im reading this wrong but the hardware specs are right there on the chart
  16. ur gonna have to stop posting on the forums for that, i reply to almost everything
  17. from the last update probably a safe bet to assume win10 was used i'd also be interested in seeing legitimate gameplay with benchmarking details but as far as i know the engine upgrade isnt even on otw yet, idk if "regular gameplay" is possible with just spct and qa
  18. i cant wait to use hydraulics on a 4x4 for decapitation vehicle kill style points
  19. it has comparable accuracy to the manic (its main marksmanship cqc competitor imo) and the same 30-50m dropoff as most SMGs
  20. it’s honestly still decent the new recoil curve system wasn’t needed on the tommy gun since it punishes players for using the tommy gun as intended (sustained fire), but if you can handle the recoil you still have a fairly accurate sub .7s ttk cqc gun but there are other easier options, making the tommy gun kind of irrelevant (not bad tho)
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