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Everything posted by vsb

  1. it’s also relatively difficult/frustrating to close if ur just a casual pc gamer, not to mention the issues it repeatedly causes with patching the game
  2. afaik g1 sold all the console publishing rights to deep silver, so aside from actually developing the game they have a large amount of control over the console side of things
  3. that and getting put into an empty district
  4. vsb


    all the social media pages for his “company” are outdated, and the main website has been unavailable for several months now
  5. because they can? pretty sure we’ve gotten sales that the console folks haven’t, but i don’t know for sure
  6. yeah they didn't manage to do that correctly either, the riot tutorial didn't update with all the relevant information from the following patches the absolute state of the game when you can't even trust the devs to do text changes right lol
  7. might be a little bit beyond orbit's capability tbh, iirc the description in chat when you load into a district is still the same one from the last time g1 used testing districts
  8. probably because they're high mobility guns
  9. if you didn’t want a public discussion then maybe you should have just DM’d mattscott in the first place
  10. there’s already a delay when sprinting after firing a weapon
  11. im not sure if this is better or worse tbh did orbit just forget to post actual numbers?
  12. "lets have them waste testing time figuring out the new numbers instead of actually doing meaningful testing" - little orbit, 2019
  13. yes and having 10 more players per faction wasn't enough to alleviate the matchmaking issue, what's your point?
  14. 80 players is a low population pool for matchmaking to choose from, without phasing that population pool will never change no matter how many active players there are in total
  15. shocking development, man without 100% confidence in his knowledge turns to the largest knowledge base in the world for confirmation im glad i could help lead you to the same knowledge base, it makes things so much easier
  16. mobility sling? doesn't that add equip time?
  17. steam doesn't require lootbox odds disclosure nor does it appear they are involved in the ESA initiative to push for disclosures microsoft/sony will require disclosure in the future (looks like the end of 2020 is the tentative date) but only for games on their platforms as of right now there's no legal obligation for little orbit to disclose any odds, please record your lawyers laughing you out of their office im sure we could all use a good chuckle
  18. if we really want to get "technical" hacking is just identifying and exploiting weaknesses in a computer system - being a hacker doesnt even require in depth technical knowledge, relying instead on social engineering methods seems to me that circumventing the limits of a game by coding a simple automation process counts as exploiting a weakness
  19. (source) (source) what if he doesn't want a second chance?
  20. obviously everyone who doesnt play apb just wishes they could play with a controller at 160ms
  21. triggerbotting is hacking, regardless of whether you're reading the game memory or analyzing screen elements you're right that streaming the game would likely prevent any dll injection (limiting cheats) but to say that it will eliminate cheating altogether is obviously wrong
  22. no one is going to thank you for this dumbass suggestion lol, i doubt google would even want apb on stadia - due to how it works and how many eyes are on it there's no way google is going to allow any games with such subpar performance as apb on the service it also seems to require significant dev time (something apb can't afford) just to integrate games with stadia (source) looking at the numbers there are huge portions of the world that can't hit these speeds, and even if they can might not be able to use gigs and gigs of data just to stream apb looking at an actual demo the performance is atrocious (altho not far off from apb performance :^)), i doubt anyone wants to play a competitive shooter in these conditions an actual test seems to confirm these numbers (source) this also won't prevent hacking, as the same colorbots can be used whether apb is client-based or streamed stadia seems to be a subscription service (so apb will no longer be f2p) and there's no way of knowing how google will handle microtransactions basically this just all around seems like a very poorly thought out idea you "brainstormed" after seeing the stadia "livestream" yesterday
  23. op wants to complain about how orbit is biased against him but his ban thread has been allowed to remain up for 11 pages and 5 days lol
  24. yeah but you intentionally tk people, i've seen you do it lol
  25. there are no changes to these guns in the current round of balance tweaks
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