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Everything posted by vsb

  1. if you’re going to throw your credibility out the window in the first sentence, why even bother creating a thread?
  2. they couldn't even manage to make a mode that only relied on players logging in and you want them to try their hand at adding a thousand other moving parts?
  3. the rights to the weapon testing districts have been sold to the PRC
  4. it really just looks like you're vomiting words at this point
  5. all engine upgrade rights have been sold to tencent
  6. i like apb’s actual vehicle physics, aside from some notable exceptions (looking at you cisco) because the vehicles actually feel like they have weight and mass and an actual person steering them, as opposed to a game like gta 5 where cars zip around like remote controlled toys but as mentioned above input lag is something that a lot of players both new and old mention - i personally don’t mind it, imo it’s a price i’m willing to pay to avoid vehicle desync, but i can understand why many hate the way it feels
  7. except all those accounts are unbanned now
  8. could be, although even if they fix the report UI issues it won’t really solve everything because you can’t always copy and paste a player’s name the name changes are something that should have been done during the nekrova/citadel merge, but it has to happen
  9. i love people suggesting things they haven't actually tried - it doesnt matter if you managed to copy and paste "/report игрок" because the report UI doesn't recognize cyrillic characters, and it won't allow you to submit a report with an invalid offender name
  10. from what ive been told its because account merges have to be done manually and it takes a fair bit of time, multiply that by each account to be merged and then multiply that by each person that wants all their accounts merged and its a lot of dev/support time
  11. they don't ive already been answered via support and mattscott
  12. man i'd really like this to happen, i'll friggin pay for the devs hours if i need to
  13. at least its better than new players being put in empty districts and quitting because they can't even play at all
  14. i’m downvoting all your suggestions from now on
  15. i don’t think you have a reputation
  16. i’m still trying to figure out who this is
  17. yeah i’m not listening to some dweeb complain about apb for 20 minutes, if i wanted that i’d just log in and talk to myself
  18. i’m pretty sure they don’t, at best you might get “using 3rd party tools” as a reason, which still doesn’t really narrow it down if it was actually a false ban this doesnt even really make sense as an analogy but to play along, in this case the ground is asphalt and a heavy rainstorm has passed through - there’s no longer any trace of your footprints, how do you prove where you walked?
  19. the obeya isnt a burst fire weapon, regardless of how its macro'd glad you can determine that silver opp is easier than gold opp, thats a sign you have a brain, which is the only requirement for gold threat
  20. i just want this garbage company to fix this shit game fuck
  21. i thought this was a meme thread from @Aeronaut but then i remembered that there are actually safety goggles ingame
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