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Everything posted by wHisHi

  1. Yeach, APB is f***ed up, people can dethreat and players like you must suffer. My suggestion is to restart the game so you wont loose rank or get banned
  2. Ohh, my friend, please, say that after your server completely dies
  3. Its just..obvious.. NA will become Han very very very soon, dead, empty and waiting for developers hand to raise it from ashes
  4. Sucks to be NA player haha If you can call yourself "player" if you can play 1 time in week
  5. Ram raid in financial, near Javez. More than plenty stores to ram raid. After you get enough cash (I used to go to atleast 20k), go near drop off and reach N5 by mugging citizens. Premium is a must. And buy your own van and add capacity mod. So your van will have 25 slots for items to store 6 years ago I think it took me not even a hour to do that
  6. 3 things I still don`t understand: 1. As OP said, why LO don`t take any actions against dethreat. 2. Why LO thinks that new players can learn the game by playing (getting fcked-up every mission) with vets? 3. Why vets play in bronze district? How they find it entertaining? I really can`t understand that. My suggestions: 1. Do not allow accounts to enter bronze district if they have x amount hours of gameplay. 2. Once account reached gold, he can`t join bronze district ever again. But account can still dethreat to silver, bronze rank. I believe second option is better. Because if vet decides to create new account, he can`t perform too well, he must play as typical silver.
  7. Yeach finally smth to grind for. Happy too
  8. Zian you dumb? Ofc they are aware, its fcking business not kids playground. You literally wrote same thing as any other person would write about same game issues. "Customer", its f2p game, no one forces you to spend money here
  9. This community is fcked up Thanks for the event tho, good luck to everyone
  10. 16?:o you must be joking. NA is always empty, how it suppose to gather 16 people
  11. LO is not our patient and we dont treat them And "constant blows" is our response to current game state that is just getting worse.
  12. Using same computer for 6 years without upgrading and spending 0€
  13. i3 3220 3.6Ghz, 4GB, GTX 650 Ti - mid graphics, never below 30 fps, most of the time +50. After installing Windows 10, I got +5-10 fps (update from Windows 7)
  14. you literally wrote same things as other players post, like "wow this guy finally spoken the truth" dont waste your time man
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