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Everything posted by wHisHi

  1. As I remember it has tons of suggestions
  2. One more great post!!! Keep going!!!
  3. Please add clothes that are editable, not preset versions, thanks!
  4. Tactical clothes, headphones, microfone or smth that person uses for communication, shotgun vest config.
  5. After they removed joker boxes, this free premium is kind my main reason I m still playing lol edit: joker boxes gave random chance to achieve million days of premium
  6. I hate them, really do, and they will never admit doing that Merged. Me too, even 39,99€ is ok if game is being maintained as any other decent game.
  7. Delete premium and make premium features as normal ones.
  8. ISSR is not balanced like literally almost every weapon in the game. Either you play current meta or good luck trying to outplay it. I like ISSR playstyle, sad that it got nerfed, but still it won’t stop me from using it even if I loose to obeya etc.
  9. I play for fun and obeya can’t provide same feeling as issb series.
  10. This weapon was and yet is still cool. If you wanna destroy cars, pick DMR ok?
  11. Way more chances because people can move freely to other gold/silver districts. Also silvers can play vs silvers etc., people can face same thread opposition.
  12. Everything mentioned here is totally related to low population problem. If game would have enough players, these problems simple won’t exist (maybe dethreating only)
  13. I agree with Frosi, right now you cannot tell deffirence between veteran and cheater, line is just too small. Keep in mind, if many of us say that we deffinetly see cheaters increase, maybe there is really something bad about BE? You moved from BE to EAC also for a reason. People say it only takes to shut down BE in task manager to by pass it - that sounds horrible. I am not pro, I tend to loose many games but while I was playing with EAC, I simply didn’t question opposition gameplay 99% of the time, EVEN how good they were playing.
  14. I think lost EAC deffinetly did some kind of impact. Right now way more players seem suspicious to me (or maybe I am n00b, let me know). True, it can really be more interesting than actually playing by myself.
  15. wHisHi


    Sounds like a bug to me
  16. Could I get a link to advanced launcher that is allowed by LO? I cannot find it for some reason.
  17. Capture, because we are tired of same deathmatch
  18. This gonna continue for months if they don’t remove threat. Please remove threat. Please...
  19. JG with secondary like ACT44 + conc/frag nades + car without high burn fuel mod (can’t remember full name) + character mod field supplier. Don’t use: ATAC, PMG, NHVR, LTL, MANIC, NTEC, OBEYA, OBIR, PERCS, KEVLAR 3, Remote Detonator, Hight burn fuel, Car Spawner. Or just don’t give a shit and play as you like :-)))
  20. Or at any point they realize that it’s not worth to continue due to remaining work load
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