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Everything posted by Kewlin

  1. I'm not sure what you're implying by this, do you care to elaborate?
  2. So first thing's first, Little Orbit, you're seriously releasing an event that requires people to play ten out of fourteen days the event is active? I figure you guys have pretty busy schedules yourself over there, so I thought you'd understand that people like. . . I don't know, sometimes have things they need to do beside playing your game? But nah, apparently that doesn't matter and people should need to play APB nearly every day of the event to get all the rewards. Your grandma just died? Got a wedding to set up? Work twelve hours a few days? You're moving? Your internet or power's out? Well guess what? You don't get to get all the rewards because LO needs you to dedicate time to the event 71% of the days during the event, and if you have more than a few characters just give up and uninstall. (I never quite understood why APB punishes people who pay to have more characters by making all events rewards character bound, but that's beside the point I guess?) Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about needing to put in effort to get event rewards, what I'm specifically complaining about is the fact that you cannot grind at your own pace, and you instead need to put in a random amount of effort as determined by what daily activity you're assigned nearly every day. (By the way, the difficulty of the activities is not balanced at all. . . like killing people carrying barrels? Really? That's not even based on skill in any way, that's quite honestly just random luck since people are only ever carrying barrels for like two seconds at a time. But I digress) Second, this is not confirmed but it would appear that it's very likely the case that you can only get two out of the three event skins. Basically, you get new skins at rank 4 and 8, and Matt Scott said that you need to choose between skins every time you get on so. . . we can assume you only can get two out of three. . . like. . . really LO? Who does this make happier? It's not like this creates any sense of exclusivity, 'cause it's entirely arbitrary. My personal suggestion to change this would be giving everyone one of the skins for free on login, but if not at least put it in one of the other ranks. *UPDATE* Lixil just announced that the next patch will enable everyone who logs in afterwards to get one of the new Halloween skins just for logging in, so we will now be able to get all three skins! Thank you LO, and thank you everyone here for your support!
  3. I do think the Volcano does too much hard damage, and I wouldn't mind it doing something like 800 health damage, and the two of those combined with increasing radius could be cool, but I don't like the idea of it firing both rockets at once or having spread. If you want to make it shoot both rockets at once of have increased spread, that should be a new rocket launcher IMO. Make it look like am M202 FLASH but with only two barrels or something.
  4. Really confused as to why prices are by weapon class, but whatever, lol. The fact that whether or not something can be got in game for free is not considered in pricing, but weapon type, which means nothing, is, is a bit confusing to say the least. Why should an N-TEC be worth more than an ISSR-B?
  5. Not to mention, it could be Decals as well, A.K.A. those ugly colored bitmaps nobody uses.
  6. Welp, the fact that UI options to receive gifts at all was removed does not fare well for gifting coming back. LO, I seriously think you don't get how much potential money you're losing by not even caring about ARMAS gifting. Anyhoo, as BXNNXD said, why are prices on guns especially still so random? For example the VAS-R2 series being some of the most expensive guns on ARMAS despite being ugly reskins of the N-TEC, (though to be fair, the N-TEC is also randomly absurdly expensive,) or the ACES SMG and ACES Rifle being entirely different prices. I'm fine with some price raises, but there really should be just across the board price categories, for example: ARMAS Exclusive Weapon (Open Slots) - 3,199 ARMAS Exclusive Weapon (Preset) - 2,999 ARMAS Reskin of In-Game Gun (Open Slots) - 2,799 ARMAS Reskin of In-Game Gun (Preset) - 2,499 In-Game Gun (Open Slots) - 2,199 In-Game Gun (Preset) - 1,999 (Price suggestions for account-wide.) The prices might be off, by the point is putting in a system of tiers of prices instead of prices being entirely random. BTW, is there any chance you could bring back it showing what prices things are without premium even if you don't have premium? 'Cause I always pop a premium code before buying anything, so it's a little obnoxious not knowing what I'll actually be spending. *EDIT* Maybe give lower prices for secondaries as well. Merged. No but seriously Little Orbit, you just removed the potential for people to receive gifts they had not yet received without any warning, that's really not cool. I had one gift I was still waiting on receiving and another I wanted to contact support about asking if they could transfer it to another character (as it was gifted to a character that already had it.)
  7. Vegeta, why the heck do you think Zombie got banned anyways?
  8. Am I super upset about this in particular? No, not really. Does this decrease my trust in LO? Without a doubt. That being said, I don't trust LO one ounce anyhoo, so I guess that doesn't quite matter, lol.
  9. Nah, I'm not trying to get anything out of you but a laugh. I don't want you to do anything.
  10. Guys, I've decided that APB was a mistake.
  11. Ehh, I find RPing APB's setting outside of APB is better than RPing in APB.
  12. Would have been nice it Matt had addressed the quarter of the questions that were about the OOB system.
  13. No, that just implies I have multiple hearts, either because I'm a mutant freak or I collect hearts. Either way, I'll take it.
  14. Yeah, but people are also blind, dumb, and not very analytical, like that part where people will claim RP did nothing when RTW and the last RP build were entirely different. Hell, even G1 launch and the last RP build were so fucking different. Anyways, did I just loop back on myself and kick my own patootie? I may have just said APB requires a certain level of sophistication to appreciate, and then that a lot of APB players are blind idiots, BUT I STAND BY WHAT I SAID! Nah, just kidding, it makes sense when I actually think about it, but there's no reason really to talk about it too much here TBH. Boi, did you mean "bless their hearts" or "bless your heart"?
  15. Appreciating APB requires a certain air of sophistication IMO, so I'd actually say sticking with APB without a ton of prior experience is more surprising personally. I personally would say that games as close to perfect and original as APB are few and far between. Only a few games come to the top of my head as comparing to APB, and only one did I like close to as much personally.
  16. That's exactly my point dumb-dumb. Neither did I, but you've owned plenty of legendaries so you felt their effect as much as anyone, not to mention facing people using them. Don't forget that every person using a legendary is potentially one less person using an N-TEC, OCA, or HVR.
  17. You yourself should be a case study as to that not being the major reason though, plus I'm pretty sure most people here play other games. The only new content we've gotten in forever is the Showstopper, and if nothing fresh is added to a game ever that's how it dies generally. Complain about JMBs all you like, but at least getting a new Legendary every two months or whatever it was added new dynamics to the game pretty often.
  18. Old people can't like APB? I'm confused. And no, APB hasn't gotten worse, but it hasn't gotten much better for a while either, and when nothing happens in a game it gets boring pretty easily.
  19. Test (I'm sorry.) *EDIT* For some reason it's not letting me post my response to Excalibur. . .
  20. The game currently does create asymmetrical matches though. It might not do it as extremely as it used to, but it definitely still does. Asymmetrical matches are fun, and they kinda' work, but the issue with them is that a huge percentage of final stages are kill based, and the fewer higher threat players will virtually always win on a kill stage. I'm not saying asymmetrical matches shouldn't be a thing, I'm just pointing out their major flaw.
  21. In Jericho at the moment it's actually the other way around, and there's usually only people in WF. IDK why that is though.
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