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Everything posted by Saxtus

  1. Count me as Sonya if event is on day and time that I can.
  2. Saxtus


    Please do tell us how you would do it better, we are ready to learn.
  3. So, we get: Engine upgrade ARMAS sales 2020 new year celebrations (not necessarily in that order)
  4. It's been already reported and possibly get fixed in the next patch.
  5. The next sale is always a day after you purchase everything you wanted.
  6. But I already told you at least two reasons against it: I was burned from it in another game due to game company's issues with their email server from time to time Email verification is not secure when both the account and the 2FA method rely on the same account password and we had already a password reset because of that Also, saying that this community should be treated as adults, makes me giggle a bit.
  7. It doesn't matter what you and me are doing about security. It's what others are doing and that affect all of us. Relying on email for 2FA is not logical after we all know about the forced wide password reset because people are too ignorant about how they use passwords. Do you really want a new forced password reset every few months/years or the current 2FA system is now more appealing? We will never know. I am quoting Tiggs (key-phrases in bold) : I am not saying Authy is more secure than Google Authenticator, on the contrary. However, it is way more secure than email 2FA, because you can't force people not to use the same password for all services or turn to more secure email services.
  8. Well, if LO sucks at email, then it will be your concern. Still remember when SWTOR email server had trouble delaying emails and I couldn't enter because the verification code was arriving expired. But as I see, you found a solution, so all good and safe (except for your account when a new security breach happen again in this game).
  9. Because email account passwords can be compromised. Also, emails can be sent to the spam folder, delayed due to greylisting or blocked and never get received. I am glad LO chose time-bound codes.
  10. I suggest you using https://authy.com/ instead of Google Authenticator. That way you're covered if you lose your device.
  11. Saxtus

    [Fixed] 2FA fails

    Since the last 10 minutes, I am unable to login to game or the support page using my Two Factor Authentication codes. Anybody else has the same problem? EDIT: Apparently few minutes later problem was solved by itself. Thread can be closed.
  12. Maybe because this year they have boosted hard damage significantly or that they can't kill teammates will make them unbalanced compared to the rest weapons? I am just speculating here...
  13. A lot of work there my friend! The only comment I have, is about the Greek logo: The letter "И" should become regular "N". It should be like the Latin letter, we don't have a Cyrillic alphabet. I love your work, keep them coming!
  14. Saxtus


    Solution: GMs should announce their schedule on the districts so the cheaters and the non-cheaters know where to go and what to avoid.
  15. Yes it works. Depending on the issue, it could take months to get an answer. Please be patient.
  16. You (and anyone else from LO wants) should be in it! What you're waiting for? Join the fun!
  17. Saxtus


    So, essentially, you are telling us that sending you "evidence" won't make any difference, unless you catch them yourselves. Does that mean that when someone /report someone else, you are going to investigate each time and then either ban or flag the person that got reported as "he is getting many false positives, ignore the future reports"? How about those that report everyone for cheating? Do they get a score of "how important his/her reports are" so the reports are getting prioritized?
  18. Until LO ships APB with Advanced Launcher as default, I won't do such thing as "been available to everyone" vs "everyone using it" are very different things.
  19. ...and gain an edge against those that don't use Advanced Launcher. There, I fixed that for you! You thank me later.
  20. You caught me. I can't hide anymore. I dethreat every day. Check my Twitch on my signature, where I can be clearly seen dethreating.
  21. I must hit a sweet spot with my posts in favor of fair play for you to react like this, Mr. nameless person. All my friends are golds and when I play with them, they have to carry me. I don't have fun in silver districts because of that but I can't do much, so I stopped doing missions. Not sure why you think that all max rank players should be either gold or dethreaters. I accept that I am mediocre player, why can't you?
  22. I don't dethreat. I am just not good enough. What made you think that max rank can bump someone's skills or make him lag less? So, what's you excuse to defend this behavior?
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