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Everything posted by Saxtus

  1. I am thankful that we have people like you that care. If the new site update holds the last piece of the puzzle about a unique store key, then chances are not in EU favor.
  2. Should I care about what people are doing in other shooters? Do you have APB demographics that show how many are skipping designing altogether? This forum proves that there are people here that focus more to designing/creation aspect of APB. Do a search, I won't list the threads here.
  3. That countdown is in favor of US players as for most Europeans it will be after midnight...
  4. I've said that it was one the major selling points. The article puts it top of the list. Do you believe that APB's editor is mediocre? What is your opinion?
  5. https://www.freemmostation.com/features/top-10-character-creation-in-free-mmo-games/ There are many sites listing games with best character customization, however I haven't bumped yet to one that does have APB in their list. Feel free to provide different sources.
  6. It's not hacking. Just against the terms of service that you clicked you agree when you open the game for the first time.
  7. One of the biggest selling points of the game, is the character/car customization. When you ruining it by turning the game to an abnormal clay universe, hurts this selling point.
  8. Maybe this game is not for you then. Go play a game that doesn't have the most advanced character/car editor ever existed.
  9. About the Greek stuff it's "Go away" if you type it while keyboard is turned to Greek layout (with little fantasy), so @Roxlnailed it.
  10. Did he say that clay mode will be normal with the new engine too? Look, I know that I am repeating the same thing since last year in this forum, but I don't agree with Matt Scott's stance about it, and it makes me very sad that this is the official line of Little Orbit, with all the implications that come with it. Nothing less, nothing more.
  11. Yes, without hesitation! Please don't take this wrong, without GamersFirst, APB probably wouldn't exist today, but unfortunately: GamersFirst brand is tied with the worse period of APB's life GamersFirst has a very negative reputation as being a company that only cares about money Engine Upgrade is coming and I would like Litle Orbit to take all the credits of it
  12. When Matt Scott told us that it's ok to use Advanced Launcher, maybe he didn't think the complications of this, i.e.: Negative advertising of the game while live-streaming Creating an unfair advantage over others that use the game as-is (easier distinguishable enemies with less clutter for the eye to track, smooth framerate when near explosions or other difficult to render for the current engine situations, etc.) @Kewlin we are in front of the engine upgrade and the majority of people that are streaming during prime-time on Twitch, they are using clay texture graphics. I will be glad if, after the engine upgrade, everybody will be equal and lowering the settings will not be needed or even better: not possible (with or without Advanced Launcher).
  13. I don't think you should connect the first line with the second. On the second line he just explain what people do, not that they do it using Advanced Launcher.
  14. He have already enough threads about it and how loose the server clock is, making 2FA codes invalid from time to time. Glad it finally got some attention and hopefully they will add some NTP time sync in place.
  15. There is another thread that has detailed posts about the reason about that. It has nothing to do with the new engine upgrade.
  16. The news here is that it's far from been done. At least something came out of this thread.
  17. Hmm, smells like not be ready for Easter. Maybe summer? Or am I too hopeful... Christmas then?
  18. Seems not everybody has the same opinion as you, but anyway!
  19. Soon a thing of the past (new engine). Warrack?
  20. Blown? None. Because all the $$$ I spent on APB was worth it as it's the best game ever!
  21. Tech support doesn't read the forum, so now that you can open a support ticket, please do so. Maybe open another one for the 2FA too?
  22. There is an ongoing problem with Little Orbit's server responsible for checking 2FA. Probably the server does not use a time sync service to keep the server's time correct. I've mentioned it before, but apparently, nobody cared...
  23. APB doesn't allow typing Chinese, Japanese, Greek or Korean anyway.
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