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Everything posted by CommandantSteele

  1. I'm kinda on the fence about the whole thing. On one hand nearly every game now has a hard hitting sniper, so directly nerfing the damage is going to simply create another weapon on the pile of "useless crap" that we have for weapons. At the same time, however, there are other ways to reduce it's effectiveness without harming the damage. I posted this a while ago as a mockup idea for how to change the HVR without exclusively removing its primary strength: Although, at the same time, if we nerf the damage of the HVR that would just make the scout more powerful, and AFAIK the scout is a paid only weapon... So you can imagine that the constant REEE of "APB IS PAY TO WIN!!!!!!!" would increase, replacing the constant REEEEE of "HVR OP NERF!" Tough calls.
  2. I will decline to answer that question, as with all the security breaches around the internet I have made it a steady effort to not post personal details in order to keep the internet on the internet. At the same time, I did receive clarification from Matt on the subject: "Any price changes to ARMAS would include some form of G1C refund to players that had made recent purchases. Obviously we cannot go back past when we took over." So, yes, they do believe that ARMAS items are too highly priced and they will be going over and reviewing prices eventually. I would also like to point out that Steam/Valve, if done within the applicable time-frame, will allow you to refund a game that you bought before it went on sale in order to save a bit of money. It's a very healthy pro-consumer practice that, while possibly not used by many, is good PR and can lead to more people being willing to spend money on the game.
  3. The title really kinda sums it up. I'd really appreciate some links to the ARMAS marketplace and the support pages from the forums to make them a little more functional. As it stands with the new forums I have to specifically google "APB Reloaded armas marketplace" or "APB Reloaded support" which is a bit annoying.
  4. I'm always going to take community opinions on weapon balance with a spoonful of salt because, let's be honest, a lot of the time the solution presented by members of the community is "Gut all the strengths the weapon has." Which would leave a game filled with boring, same-y weapons. I would personally kinda like to see the weapon families defined a bit better an then the weapons within that family sharing similar traits. As an example: HVR family weapons. Low rounds per magazine. Maybe even only having one round per magazine. Slow firing speed. Damage ramp-up. Here's the weaknesses of the weapon. It pushes it far into the territory where you need to be careful and precise with how you use the weapon. So what about the strengths of the weapon? Limited damage fall off. High health and stamina damage. So here's where the HVR would sit, described in a realistic situation ingame: Double B is perched on top of a parking garage with an HVR in hand. She's got one shot and she's waiting for Chung-hee to bring the objective he grabbed out of the shipping crate. Violet Prentiss is waiting nearby in her V20 Jericho, though she's a fair distance away. Down at street level, Shift is waiting with her pistol out. Chung-hee hops the fence leading to the street, and Double B takes her shot, nailing Chung-hee. Chung-hee now has a problem: He's missing half his health and he can't sprint well. This puts Shift into action, as she jumps from cover and begins to run at Chung-hee, firing wildly with her pistol and trying to get into shotgun range. Violet Prentiss is getting out of her Jericho to get her own rifle out, and Double B is reloading her HVR. I'm not going to finish the story because I don't need to, but removing the absurdly high HP damage from the HVR and replacing it with decent stamina damage would push the weapon into more of a team support role. Especially if you have only one round per magazine. You'd have to reload each time, you're only chunking half of someone's HP instead of most of it, and you're depriving them of sprint for a short while. This is the PERFECT time for the rest of your team to get into action and follow up on the shot. As an added bonus, you still have the option of picking off weakened players, though the window for doing this is much smaller due to requiring them to be half health before you take your shot. Plus, this fixes quickswitching, as I'm sure everyone enjoys the fun of "Okay I just took a little bit of scratch damage from their .45 and... Oh they switched to a HVR and one shot me even though I'd only taken one or two shots." That's just my idea though, and I'm not claiming it to be perfect. I'd love to hear feedback on at least that.
  5. Generic black works. I'll be on in just a moment and can show you my own vehicle for reference. Thanks again.
  6. I'm doing the spring cleaning stuff right now, but I'll be on APB in a bit. I'll send you a PM once I get ingame. Four slot? I already have the basic unlock.
  7. Unless we have REALLY REALLY GOOD netcode and REALLY REALLY GOOD servers that keep everyone at low latency, hard no to making this into planetside 2.
  8. So... We're keeping jumpshooting disabled then? That is a factor in the scouts balance and you are correct that most people are happy with how it's balanced right now. As for "Traditional counterplay" it's things like the following: Simply running the hell away from the snipers covered area. (Which, more often than not, is you giving up a large chunk of territory that is probably mission critical.) Countering with your own sniper. (Which is made 10x more difficult by crouchspamming abuse and peeking abuse.) (Peeking abuse: You see my head? Cool. You can't shoot it because the game says you can't, but I can shoot you. Mainly seen it happening around financial's elevated highways.) Using rockets. (Viable degrees of success.) Getting close with an SMG/AR/other type weapon and buttblasting them from close range. (Made non viable by quickswitching, and then quickswitching was removed...) There's probably more, but that's just a general idea. Also, a pox upon your political labels!
  9. These are viable answers, though they aren't always viable. I've had multiple times where I've had one of the HVR reskins and am in a sniper duel with someone else and the only reason they win that duel is because they're able to crouch-spam behind a chest high wall. Not to mention that since crouching has no cooldown even disengaging to run for cover enables them to get free potshots at you. Now, adding a cooldown to crouching would be outright insanity, so how else would you propose fixing such a playstyle? It offers immense benefits to people who already have a good position and makes traditional counterplay (sniper dueling) rather moot. We've also had quickswitching removed because people were exploiting it and using weapons in ways that they were not meant to be used. I don't think that encouraging weapons to be used ways that are traditionally not the intended use of the weapon is a good thing, not unless you want to nerf the weapon in other aspects while enabling jumpshooting.
  10. "Games featuring nudity, movieography, sex, or sexual violence as a core focus or feature, and gameplay modified to feature these elements are entirely prohibited. Occurrences of in-game nudity are permitted, so long as you do not make them a primary focus of your content and only spend as much time as needed in the area to make progress. Games rated Adults Only (AO) by the ESRB are not permitted in gameplay-oriented broadcasts or complete or unedited format on Twitch." From what I understand, as long as you're not streaming making nude symbols or taking every oppertunity to ram your camera into your characters feminine features or someone elses feminine features, you should be 100% fine. https://www.twitch.tv/p/legal/community-guidelines/sexualcontent/#nudity-and-sexual-content-in-games
  11. One of the primary weaknesses of a sniper is immobility, inaccuracy while moving, and bad accuracy at close range. The scout, by design, already gets rid of one of these with increased mobility, but does trade some damage for it. This is already a balanced tradeoff. Adding in jumpshooting and protecting crouchspamming removed the second weakness: Inaccuracy while moving. Something that enables you to move in a swift manner and enable you to quickly pop off shots at the enemy while keeping them mostly unable to react due to the fact that they don't have the lightning reflexes to hit you while you're visible for 0.02 seconds. Not to mention that if you DO get hit, even by an HVR, you already typically have cover to hide behind. Not to mention that this is all only possible with the scout, which I'm not 100% sure you have easy access to as a F2P player. If I had the power to instantly change features, crouching rapidly with a sniper rifle would max out your bloom. Edit: Also, CSGO =/= APB. Entire different balance mantra.
  12. Something I must point out is that GTAV and GTA Online both have uncensored nipples with a M rating. In addition, GTA Online has the capacity to call women from the strip bar to a player owned home to perform lap dances for free instead of paying the fee that the strip club charges. APB should be no different, and the markets for these games is identical, virtually identical or 99% overlap.
  13. I would personally not bring this back. It's already annoying enough to try and fight couchspamming snipers.
  14. Probably not, but it is a concerning notion that we will have the potential that "It was okay for you to get rid of this, but people are still running around in lace thongs and adhesive bras. You need to get rid of it too."
  15. Hasn't vehicle spawning and car surfing been in the game... Since launch? Taking things away from people is bad unless you're ready to give them 100% compensation. Else you're going to have a rapidly declining population on your hands.
  16. Personally, I think the main reason that people are worried about nudity is, bluntly, the trend of "Anti-sex appeal" that has hit gaming pretty hard. It's less that they want bare breasts everywhere and more that they don't want to see stuff like Removed: All bras outside of default bras. Removed: All underwear outside of default underwear. Removed: All short shorts. Removed: All skirts. Modified: All dresses no longer render cleavage. Removed: Breast slider. Changed: Characters are no longer allowed to be shirtless or without pants. Default clothing will now appear on any character without a shirt or pants. and other such modifications covering the patch notes. It's censorship, plain and simple. The whole thing on Freedom of Expression that was brought up is that, in a game that ADVERTISES YOUR FREEDOM TO CUSTOMIZE YOUR CHARACTER, you are now being told that you cannot customize your character in certain ways. We are having an advertised and hyped feature of the game REMOVED. So now you have issues with false advertising, among other problems. We already technically have a potential false advertising issue because the APB Reloaded steam page advertises 50v50 matchmaking. In addition, the trailers for the game still feature muzzle flashes and tracers, which is also false advertising. Not to mention the wildly skewed moral compass: We have missions fighting over drug caches, blood money, weapon shipments, and holding transplant organs hostage for blackmail among many other things. Along with this, we have literal suicide bombing techniques using detonator and vehicles. Not to mention the basic level of shooting other people in the face. But no. No sex allowed. Sex is bad. Go back to catholic school and be chaste and cover everything up. Pretty crazy morals. Pre-post edit: Calling people sexist and resorting to the "You're just objectifying women" is a really weak argument because it is just another form of body shaming, even if you're body shaming "conventionally attractive" people.
  17. I spent some time digging through the blog posts, and if there's anything I want LO to honor from the olden days, it's this: https://apbreloaded.gamersfirst.com/2012/04/genitalia-and-bigotry-drawing-line.html
  18. Reasonably speaking, like with the example provided before, you would have a lot of butthurt people if the cost of account/character perma weapons got cut in half and the people who shelled out big money got nothing.
  19. If they give people rebates/refunds on items they bought then it shouldn't matter. It might even be smarter to buy more stuff now because then you'd get a bigger refund and be able to buy a LOT of stuff.
  20. I really hope that if/when LO redoes the prices on ARMAS items they also reimburse the G1C for people who paid for them. Nothing like paying $50-$60 and then having the price cut to $30 without any kind of compensation.
  21. From what I understand, they've mostly been a publisher. Only recently have they moved into development. Still, if we don't like something it's up to use to speak out about it. We're having our voice listened to for the first time in a long time, let's not waste this chance nor ruin such a gesture.
  22. I'd be happy with a revisit to this pack and the fanatic pack? They're both kinda dicey balance and appearance wise.
  23. If we start enforcing dethreating rules then we need to also remove restrictions on district joining. If someone is gold and they want to play in Waterfront to finish leveling a contact but only silver waterfront has a decent population, then they're essentially screwed out of leveling that contact. I had a situation recently where I'm silver and my friend was gold, silver waterfront was 40/40 full and financial had something like 12/12 or whatever. Barely any pop to play on financial and waterfront was full. So we basically just couldn't play the game because the population was really badly distributed. People who win consistently shouldn't be punished by being pushed out of the only servers that are routinely populated. That's a quick way to lose players. Especially if it's a low-rank that gets carried several times in a row and turns "yellow"
  24. IIRC if you bought the mammoth pack the criminal one won't stay upside down if you put the barrel decoration on top. Whatever it's called. I still think enforcers got a better deal out of that than crims. Theirs looks nicer.
  25. I personally kinda like the T-25: All wheel drive, decent cargo, 4 seats, and decent well rounded stats. It seems to reflect the actual performance of typical trucks: Does most things well, but doesn't excel while doing them. I hope to pick one up when I get the unlock, and I'll probably have that as my main vehicle. I also kinda wish crims had access to more "heavy" vehicles.
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