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Everything posted by CommandantSteele

  1. On one hand, when I see people use the OSCAR, they tend to dominate with it and absolutely shred anyone in their way, long range and short range. On the other hand when I use the OSCAR, I can barely hit anyone at range even though the Joker Carbine and OBIR can both manage long range poking just fine, and when I try to CQC with the weapon my need to adhere to proper fire rhythms means that people with full auto weapons can just hold the button down and delete me. So, what gives? How do I use this thing right? What mods does everyone run for it?
  2. With the launch of ARMAS refresh I have edited this thread with new ideas and would like to bring it back to relevancy so that it may be reexamined and perhaps have parts of it implemented at some time.
  3. I'll dust this off: I'm not driving around in small circles honking for you to go and jack a car, I'm driving around in small circles honking for you to GET IN. I drive a 4 door for a reason, folks!
  4. If we're going to make IR and HB polar opposites, then you'd need to change HB. Remove the damage reduction from HB and instead reduce the overall range. Now IR and HB can be polar opposites: IR gives you longer range but more bloom to deal with, HB gives you less bloom/recoil but at the cost of range. I don't think this would pan out too well though. HB would probably become insanity broken.
  5. Preface: This is full of opinions and "facts" that might be wrong. I do not speak as if I am correct, I speak from my view. Kay? Threat as it stands feels fairly arbitrary. The only threat that really matters is silver atm, since if you're silver you can enter into any district you want without restrictions. Being bronze is slightly restrictive because you can only enter Bronze and Silver districts, but most of the time I feel like 99% of the APB playerbase is in those servers so it's not really that big of a deal. That being said, Gold feels HUGELY restrictive because when the servers aren't at peak hours it feel like the biggest chunk of the APB playerbase plays in bronze which, as a gold, you can't join. I even encountered this earlier today where the silver waterfront district had ten criminals and ten enforcers and bronze waterfront had 20 ish of each. What also sucks, and what I believe you plan on addressing, is being "borderline" between gold and silver. If I get stomped on and lose a few games I'll drop to silver, but if I play in bronze and win like... 1-2 games? Right back to gold I go, prompting rage whispers about golds in bronze even though I should be a silver. If I want to not near instantly turn back into a gold I have to intentionally gimp my play, which most people would call "dethreating", though I would argue there's a difference between intentionally playing sub-optimally (Mostly using non-meta weapons) and intentionally not attempting to contribute to the objective at all. Anyway, what I'm not so keen on is phasing, as others have echoed. I would really rather not be phased into a district or instance where it was just my team and just the enemy team and nobody else. The game would feel very hollow and way too big if this were to be the case. Part of the charm of APB is zooming through another mission's gunfight trying to get to your own objective and, when unintentional, the occasional crashes with another player are a part of this charm. Sure it might be the make or break moment of the mission, but as long as it's not too consistent it's not so bad. I can understand the desire to fix greifing and ghosting, but I wouldn't want to fix griefing and ghosting if it meant that every mission was just my team and the other team. Imagine Planetside 2, if you will. If you're on the ground as infantry you can only see and fight other infantry units. If you're in a vehicle, you can only see and fight other vehicles. If you're in an aircraft, you can only see and fight with other aircraft. This would make the experience a lot smoother, but it would rob one of the core features of Planetside 2: The unity of infantry, armored, and airborne combat. You guys seem kinda gung-ho about phasing, but I would ask that you tread carefully and be willing to pull the plug if it doesn't work out so well.
  6. That would involve getting G1/LO involved. This would merely be community directed in an effort to not have... 73 people in bronze WF (even mix.) 57 people in silver WF (Biased towards crims.) 28 people in bronze Financial (Even-ish, slight bias towards enfs.) 1 person in green Financial (That poor soul...) And nobody anywhere else. And this is approaching peak hours. We're only ~73 people away from the routine peak. (I didn't count it but there's 52 people in social. Enforcer bias)
  7. Yeah, that's the downside. I only spent like 5 minutes on the idea so I can't proclaim it as being perfect.
  8. APB NA currently has a small playerbase. In the short term future this isn't going to really get fixed. Thus, I'd like to propose adding a schedule to APB so that the districts see use instead of having small chunks of players spread out. Saturday - Fight Club. Monday - Financial. Tuesday - Waterfront. Wednesday - Fight Club. Thursday - Financial. Friday - Waterfront. Sunday - Fight Club. This way, Financial and Waterfront see consistent use with weekends and wednesday set aside for Fight Club. (I added FC to Wednesday since I didn't want to have Wednesday alternate Financial/Waterfront and get people confused.) There'd be no enforcement on this, it's merely an idea for the community to better work with the small amount of players that NA gets. Thoughts?
  9. Most likely, but I figure I'd leave it with people who are experienced with the systems to do the balance work. In practice I'd expect them to perform like the NL-9 stun shotgun.
  10. Before I begin: I dunno if this would be better in Social or in suggestions. I'll put it in suggestions since I feel like that's better. Could be wrong. So, weapons are being balanced. That's great. But I've been chatting to a few folks on Discord and I've noticed something that concerns me: Some weapons feel like they're being nerfed to cut down the effectiveness of a particular mod setup, but in doing this they're making only that mod setup viable. For example, let's take the classic NTEC loadout: HS3 and IR3. IR3 and the NTEC have both been tapped with the nerf/change bat a bit, but it feels like they seem to be balancing the NTEC around the fact that IR3 is so common. This is a bit of a problem if you don't use IR3 on the NTEC. Since the game is being balanced around the expectation that you're using IR3, not using IR3 means deliberately handicapping yourself. In addition, due to the IR changes affecting all weapons, it feels like shotguns no longer have a useful red mod, as many people advise against using CJ in any form on shotguns as the spread/bloom gets awful. Now with IR3 making shots slower shotguns don't have a viable redmod since they need to get their shots out quickly to compete with SMG's, who can just hold the button down until they get a kill or die. This is especially notable on the Strife, which made heavy use of IR3 in order to help with it's abysmal range. A decrease in ROF on top of it's already abysmal ROF is simply unacceptable. I've got two ideas that could fix this issue. 1: Have weapon mods be tailored to individual weapons or weapon classes. So that way IR3 on assault rifles isn't the same IR3 that rifles/snipers get. 2: Introduce a new red mod (when the time is right) for shotguns: Slug rounds. Slug rounds: +damage, +range, -99% pellets, -spread. Affected by bloom. All damage loaded onto one pellet. (Note: I know this is probably a horrible idea, but it's an idea.) Anyway. I'm moderately concerned about weapon builds becoming very static, and I'd like steps to be taken early and often to ensure that they don't.
  11. I abandon a mission that doesn't get opp on the first stage. I don't feel like going through the motions and maybe getting opp halfway through a mission. Along with other reasons that people have mentioned here. I vote against removing /abandon. It's incredibly handy. Part of the reason why I don't really enjoy playing MOBA's anymore is that I can't leave when I desire. At least with /abandon I have a specific set of circumstances where if I don't like how the mission looks I can leave the mission. In League, for example, if I get put on a team with "Racist_Supremacy_666" then I have to stomach a punishment in order to not play with them. APB Reloaded? /abandonmission if I don't have any opp and go on with my day.
  12. I personally kinda agree on nerfing Low Yield Frags somehow, most likely in damage due to the previously mentioned lower explosive capacity. I don't know if FJ was introduced first and then LYF's were introduced, or they were genuinely introduced together, but it seems like FJ sucks too much to make regular use out of and LYF's are just a bit too good. When they're used in conjunction with one another they certainly seem to, on paper, balance one another out. In practice, since nobody seems to use them together, something's gotta give.
  13. Can we not? I dunno if anyone else has said it but this is a really annoying suggestion. Would really screw up CQC playstyles and the like.
  14. To put this as simply as I can: It would be really nice if we could clearly see enemy and ally name tags while badly injured. I've had several instances where I've accidentally or almost accidentally murdered my teammates because I just got out of a firefight badly wounded and couldn't tell friend from foe due to all the filters and stuff.
  15. Thanks for the tips. I'm a bit ahead on some things (Pay no heed to the pile of weapons from ARMAS and gimmie more outfit slots!) but I'll def keep an eye on everything you've mentioned.
  16. I'm at 6/15 on Arlon and when I top him off I'll be R195. This unlocks a pretty hefty chunk of content and I was wondering what are some of the first things I should do?
  17. I mean like they're all close range secondaries but BM kinda behaves more than the other two? The other two are like "Get tons of bloom." or whatever. The BM just kinda exists and does damage and doesn't sometimes just flop? I could be wrong. I'm too poor to get one.
  18. From looking at the UL-3 statwise I would personally pick the bloody mary due to it not having any major "You must play this way" things, but this can also be seen as a bad thing. I would def say to actually avoid the Yukon until it gets fixed. I bought the Northwest thinking it would be like the Yukon and it's not. But if the Yukon is going to get bugfixed into being the Northwest? Lots of people are going to be looking to dump them 'cause the Northwest is kinda... Garbage.
  19. @LUST Now this is some really nice information. Thanks. What's the typical method of fire employed at range? I figure it's treated like the N-TEC and you just tapfire, and then you can just kinda slightly full auto at close range like with the STAR. Anything in particular I should know?
  20. I've looked across the internet, but nobody seems to really know what to do with this thing. What mods does this weapon work well with and what's the usual tactic employed to get 'em dead?
  21. Can we instead talk about those 802 mails? Seriously. That's bonkers.
  22. Splitting the playerbase up even more than the current threat system does and creating even more elitism than we already have? Yeah, no thanks. I'll pass.
  23. Removing all the mods that people have paid tons of money for would cause a huge uproar, even with compensation. Removing all the weapon slots (Especially on the weapons that people have paid for) would cause a flurry of refund requests and/or chargebacks because the weapons that people bought, if reskins, are now fundamentally useless. Same with vehicle mods. If you were to allow the veteran players to keep their stock, the newer players would have every right to call APB pay to win due to the fact that the older players now have a massive advantage over anyone new due to the lack of mods. New players will have a massive turnover rate due to being stomped all over by veterans with modded weapons. Generally speaking, this is too radical of a change to implement, and it's been a core feature of the game from day 1.
  24. I don't know if it's been discussed later on, but the amount of salt from new players would be unfathomable if this happened. Edit: Yeah. It wasn't. This is not a great idea. Lots of angry people and lots of pay to win accusations.
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