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Everything posted by Ketog

  1. You made me do it. But hey you can't argue that some beautiful men right there.
  2. Ketog

    Logging in

    Damn, corrected me even before i corrected myself
  3. Ketog

    Logging in

    Hello The game is currently under maintenance you can learn more about it here:
  4. Ketog

    Error 10004 T_T

    As a GM wouldn't you be able to kick him from the server if his character is online ? if you can do that princess could probably log back in after?
  5. I haven't been on apb when it was only All Points Bulletin, but i think removing that reloaded is something that should be done for sure.
  6. That's less than expected (i expected something like 10 guns) , though this was more a surprise bonus update so can't complain. I hope there will be fixes towards the naming and pricing of a few things in the JT store too ! Cool info
  7. Hi @Mina_ *coughs* Hey at least this time the merge seems fair, they don't loose a lot except their weird exclusive stuff . i hope this time is the charm, and if you're from nekrova and speak English, say hi to ketog when arriving in citadel ! Oh yeah also, when will this happen ?
  8. Couldn't say it better. With apb's history of accumulated failures and let downs, remember that any more failure will have much more of an impact than a successful update. As said, this week's postponed update was a huge letdown for most people, but don't loose motivation LO, apb is unique and we still don't want it to go, doesn't matter how hard you fall keep standing back up and at some point, it will pay off. But please, get that engine upgrade done and over with, everything that's coming before the engine upgrade makes us feel like less work is being put into it, doesn't matter how much you guys says it doesn't change anything.
  9. tracers, camera sway, server stabillity, the vault button that showed stats of the gun when you pressed it, you know the button that has an earth icon that does nothing.
  10. uhm , skitty , don't you have an NDA to respect ?
  11. Honestly that would be hella fun if there was a rollback at the end.
  12. I was expecting this as soon as i seen the extended downtime, big oof. Thanks for communicating with us, knowing what happends in the back is always a good thing, at least for apb's case.
  13. pretty sure that's what they always do.
  14. so if you switch shoulders you can't use the gun properly anymore then seems good
  15. I also like that if you use the front grip and the gun jumps up with recoil, your fingers will definitely be pinched between the grip and the mag. let's point every design mistake ingenuity of this weapon
  16. i wish the NTEC Compact was just a simple weapon , just like ursus is, the aiming gimmick seems like a bad thing for it
  17. Note that brick is also a mod that you unlock at r195 , and doesn't have a level I II or III but for some reason doesn't have a rank restriction .
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