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  1. Thanks for Everyone that participated, the winner for this year is @Iazer at 4361 Fps who beat @mojical's previous record of 2933 FPS. This year we had a massive 59% increase in average FPS within the participants, hopefully we get to see more of that next year. While i'm at it, i will mention that next year's event will also include rewards for the second and third place, see you guys next year !
  2. Hah, while hardware matters, honestly a good 50% of the numbers shown there is just about knowing how to tweak the game, it's actually not that hard to reach framerates above 1000 FPS, it's just that these measurements are taken in ideal scenarios just for that, which are not realistic in actual gameplay, i invite you to give it a try next year!
  3. Today is the LAST day for submissions, if you're willing to participate you have until tonight at 00:00 UTC to participate!
  4. Event powered by Wave Lounge ! Hey, Ketog from Wave Lounge here, welcome to yet another Wave Lounge event, this is the second edition of the Hypermetrics contest, the last one was already a year ago ! For this second edition, there will be a few rule changes, and before proceeding, i'd like to say that this is also probably the last event that will be by Wave Lounge, while i will still be making events, the futures ones are gonna be powered in SPPA's name, our clan is now old and inactive, so it's simply better we redirect people where we think they belong, and SPPA perfectly fits the bill =), now, to the event ! The Hypermetrics Contest This event is pretty simple and straight forward, it's how we do it at Wave Lounge, the goal you might ask ? Get the highest possible FPS in APB, that's it, that's the event, yup. All you have to do to win is reach the highest possible FPS in APB with a few rules: 1) You must provide a complete screenshot of your game with performance metrics (any overlay of your choice) 2) You must be in an online district (yes social and fightclubs do count), that means no login screen trickery 3) For your first submission, you must specify whether you're competing for the prize or not, you cannot change your choice afterwards. The rules are subject to change if some player finds a loophole, so we take the right to change the contest's rules to keep it fair, and give the win to the player that actually deserves it. The event will run from the date of which this post is published, up to the 8th January 2025 What can i win and how do i participate ? The rewards are located on Citadel (EU), you can participate if you're on NA, i however, won't be able to provide any rewards. The winner with the highest FPS score will get the following: 1) 1 000 069 APB$ 2) Mystery Theme 3) box of ExfluencisΒ© The prize might increase as we get sponsors from other clans and/or donations from players, If you wish to donate to the cash prize, please message me on this forum or on discord @Liarus If you wish to participate, you will have to either join our discord and submit your screenshot in the submissions channel or DM me said submission (@Liarus), for me to take it into account, your submission will then appear on the leaderboard, the prize will be given to the competing player with the highest score Tips So you might be wondering "how do i achieve such a high FPS that isn't possible! Well here's a few tips so you can stand a chance against other competitors: - One of the most significant settings to get higher FPS is to use No GC configs as well as Double Buffering ON - The second one, is to go somewhere where the map is rendered as little as possible (exemple, back of the social district) - Third one, is to use OTW, yes Open Test world, which is currently publicly open, so you have no players loaded - And last, things that can help is running at a lower resolution, having a debloated system, overclocking for single core performance. As an extra little note, I'm still planning on running this little contest every end of the year as a fun way to gather performance metrics related to APB over time. Have fun tweaking, breaking, experimenting with APB, there is no other rules other than what's currently listed, however stay up to date with this post for the latest news!
  5. Not telling you to use x y or z, but just you having that overlay on the top right might be enough to displease SARD, try running the game from a clean state as much as you can, and slowly add things you use to see which one SARD doesn't like.
  6. As schizo as that sounds, i'd think yes but for UnitGame specifically, since the IP acquisition of APB rights absolutely nothing happened, and their website doesn't show anything relevant, you'd think after pouring money in a project like this, they'd do something with it, as for LO, i don't think they are.
  7. Annd it's gone, SARD Enabled the Kernel component and thus, linux compatibility is gone until official SARD support.
  8. Quick video for those wondering " is it that hard to run apb on linux ? " TLDR: No, you've just gotta be willing to press buttons that you've never pressed before
  9. Update for all Linux players not in the discord, a member of the discord pushed an APB specific that includes DXVK_CONFIG="d3d9.cachedDynamicBuffers = True" into latest GE-Proton 12: https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk/pull/4226 If you play APB on linux, depending on your hardware configuration, they will basically negate all stutters that happened when vehicle were being shot. That tweak will now basically be included in newer DXVK versions and up. At this point it makes APB on linux run equal or better than windows
  10. Yes, SARD enabled Linux support since the 21/08/2024 without notice, they announced Steamdeck Support at Gamescom (as per a SARD representative) but there was no official public statement on Proton/Linux Support, and hasn't been any so far as well
  11. Just let them do whatever and don't react to it. No way to block said player completely, you're on the internet so you have to expect these kinds of things
  12. If i remember correctly @MattScott mentioned that it's currently limited by the database APB currently uses which is super outdated, modern DB's are much more efficient at storing data and have ways to trim it periodically, i think he mentioned it a couple of times on devstreams
  13. These aren't things that you will see your average game company CEO say, props for the honesty Matt Take note guys, because this is words you get from a CEO with good intentions, APB has been misshandled since it's creation, and so far Matt is the only CEO with the guts to communicate the good and the bad, LO could ditch APB at any point, but it's pretty clear they're gonna keep trying, and be thankful for that.
  14. Everything is possible, but that's only in theory it wasn't reasonable for LO to keep console running because the codebase is just fundamentally broken, but also vastly different LO isn't a multibillion game company with a team or 100 developers solely for APB
  15. @mojical Ended up as the technical winner, however every single following score up to @owzzy ended up denying the prize, so @Yeedman gets the final prize ! Thanks everyone for participating, honestly this was both a low profile and a high profile event in some ways, it was pretty fun! Who knew there would be so many Linux users in here, and who knew you could almost reach 3000 FPS in APB talk about an exeperience!
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