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Everything posted by Vasco14

  1. Yes, but that is not a easy task, even big games like CS:GO for example has that system, if you kill someone from your team (intentional or by mistake) you will still get a penalization
  2. Well.. a good solution for those two problems in my opinion would be: 1) For those that use the /abandonmission, could have a cooldown, like, you could leave the mission but then you wouldn't be able to use again in 30 minutes or 1 hour ,or an agressive way to avoid this behaivor would be to penalize the player 2) For the griefers problem, a simple solution would be to tempban the players. Currently if you kill your teammates 4 times, you get kicked from the server and then you're able to join again (sometimes used to leave the mission). Instead of this what LO could do is, if you kill 4 teammates you would get 30 minutes ban, then if in the same week you kill 4 more, you will get a 1 hour ban, and so on, at the end of the week those bans would reset, so if you in a week just got baaned for 30 minutes, if you don't teamkill more in that week, in the next you get a reset. Edit for solution 2: if i players get's 5 tembans in a week they would get a permanent ban for griefing.
  3. I have the same issue, but for me started before the 1.30. I talked with a SPCT and he informed me that those drops are part of APB design and, everyone has this issue but for some players are worse than others. Since im not good with explanations, i will just quote what the SPCT told me. The solution he gave me was to go to APBCompat.ini and edit this values in the first bucket1 - [AppCompatBucket1] ParticleLODBias=4 TEXCAT_VFX=(Usage=0,MinLODSize=16,MaxLODSize=16,LODBias=4,DisableStreaming=False,FairUsagePriority=10) TEXCAT_VFX=(Usage=1,MinLODSize=16,MaxLODSize=16,LODBias=4,DisableStreaming=False,FairUsagePriority=10) SpawnMapDelayTime=0 ParticleMaxWorldSpaceArea=0.1 Then go ingame, re-select the Minimal preset and restart the game. NOTE: this solution didn't got rid of the drops but imo it has improved a little bit.
  4. In my opinion, i think it's more important to fix the matchmaking and threat district system, what good is the game having better graphics, if the gameplay is not balanced?
  5. Star 556 it's all you need for primary gun
  6. Yes, today i started playing APB again, and i was having game breaks/freezes i went from 100FPS to 20/25 FPS but this happened randomly, i was not near a lot of explosions
  7. I like some of those things
  8. What about more GM minigames? That would be awesome!
  9. I never got that issue.
  10. The Star 556 for me is one of the best guns. i played with this gun for years (~6 years). So, no, i don't think so that the game is p2w. And now you can buy G1C guns with jk permanent character.
  11. What i think would be fun: A Clan base tournaments with weapon loadout (you need to choose your loadout for the entire match) and depending on what tournament entry you choose it will give you prizes for example: Free entry = just increase clan XP 50k APB$ = get's clan XP + APB$ 100G1C = get's clan xp + G1C or Joker Boxes
  12. Vasco14

    Gioco Crash CLIENT

    Bene, non lo so, molti giocatori hanno lo stesso problema. Il modo migliore è contattare l'assistenza, ma sfortunatamente ci vorranno circa 8 giorni.
  13. Vasco14

    Gioco Crash CLIENT

    @Undicix11 Penso che il tuo problema sia che qualcuno ha già effettuato l'accesso al tuo account, quindi quando provi ad entrare in un distretto il gioco si blocca. Prova ad accedere nuovamente al tuo account. Se ciò non risolve il problema, ti consiglio di contattare l'assistenza. https://support.gamersfirst.com/hc/en-us
  14. This problem is also happening to me, but with the "Money Weapon" skin on Joker CR-5 and Joker SR15 Carbine. instead of having the normal texture, they have a purple and yellow texture.
  15. Vasco14

    Game not starting?

    Take a look in this post:
  16. Catch the GM it's a really good event as well. You could try to make it next weekend. edit: And please make longer events.
  17. Vasco14

    Game not starting?

    Have you guys already tried to reinstall the game? could be a corrupted file.
  18. Guns N' Roses | AC/DC | Capo Plaza | Guè Pequeno | Plutonio 2765 | Post Malone
  19. Hello @Mr_Strike this is not a feature in the game, but a concept idea for APB. Thanks.
  20. Vasco14

    APB Tournaments

    That's an idea, but I think this way is better, to have better prizes. But as I said, it's just a concept.
  21. I think adding bots in a district will all kinda of players isin't a good idea, but instead, when a new player comes to the game, he will play the first time versus bots, in a "offline" district (only him and the bots), with that will be easier for player to understand the game mechanics and how the game works. With this, the new players won't be frustrated playing versus veterans and immediately uninstall the game.
  22. Vasco14

    APB Tournaments

    As APB is a competitive game, it would be funny to have tournaments, thus giving some use to the clan system and introducing a more complex clan system, with the top clans, for example. Some concepts i created for the tournament system: Lobby Selector: Here players can choose what tournament want to play by clicking the "+ Details" button. There are 3 types of tournaments (e.g) Free Entry: Don't need to pay anything, but the don't have prize (playing here just inscreases the clan experience) 50k$ Entry: players get clan experience and a prize of APB$ 100G1C Entry: Players get clan experience and a prize of G1C or Joker Boxes Lobby Creation: Here you can invite your clan members to join you and also choose what loadout you want to use since this gamemode dosen't allow players to change weapons in the middle of the match, meaning that Field Supplier/Joker Ammo will only give ammo. Tournament Lobby: When a mach is found, the all players will be in a lobby when they can talk to each other, and here they need to press "Not Ready" for the mach starts. How this will work? Since Financial and Waterfront are big maps, i think the system could ramdomly select 3 specific zones of the map to occur the missions. Each zone will have a capture point, and the team that captures the 3 or 2 points wins (Best of 3 Tournament). Thanks for you attention! @Amayii @MattScott
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