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Everything posted by Danimal

  1. Played on my sons PC...on Maximum settings...without even a hiccup. 80 fps constant no lag...no warps....I still sucked.
  2. APB has rubberbanded and lagged since god knows when. Maybe I am lucky but I have experienced some lag...not to the extent of unplayable.
  3. For the lament. If you wouldnt wear the symbol on your persons to your Mothers funeral...then its offensive. If you would wear the symbols then well...you deserve the ban you dumb disrespectful edgy fuccboi.
  4. Good luck...stay positive and treat the new ownership/support crew with respect. You may be surprised with what patience and kindness with unearth for you. Once again...good luck.
  5. Butt hurt banned player DDOS's servers under the watch of G1/RP. Gamer changes ownership and the new management unbans them. Gets banned again and DDOS's again. Damn...why ruin our fun;(
  6. I also played a game whereas the consumable pills worked on a login based formula so If you had to run out the bonuses wouldnt be wasted. This might work if premium was 1 month = 60 hours or whatever.
  7. I mailed support about this and was replied that they could pause premium but you would have to contact support. I worked on a fishing vessel so I was away from the PC for long durations. Too bad I lost months and months of premium. Not sure if this is true anymore however.
  8. I will be working making $$$$ to spend when its time to renew my monthly subscription...soo no worries about tooozday.
  9. My son, who plays Fortnite rages when he gets shot or killed. He is 9. I used to be just like you...raging when you miss a kill shot or when lag seemingly made my aim bad. I hulk smashed my desk...breaking it of course but this is when I realized I need not to care what the people of APB think of my gameplay and to focus on playing the game for fun. Now I can go 1-9 and not even care. Now if I could only teach my son...he is 9 so...
  10. People under G1's tyranny who got banned did their time. Second chances are granted for most people who break the law...so lets hope they wont recommit and focus on the reason we all game....to have fun!
  11. LO is doing a fine job attempting to keep the population happy but this community is like the real world...SOME people will never be happy so....focus on those who shine positivity!
  12. Where do the "Removed Inappropriate Language ~@mayii" Max silver rank vets that lose to 2 low level bronzes and 2 low level silvers fit in???? Shall we go to Silver and play,only to not be able to score a kill/assist or get close to a objective to gain points towards scoring??? 0 points = 0$$$/0 rep. No No No. Auto kick for gold's in bronze districts OR why not a server wide vote to kick option so the server can decide? Removed Inappropriate Language ~@mayii I am not. I don't make new players quit.
  13. Maybe if we are lobbying to change the start up screen we can change the "In memororedum of Real-time worlds" to "In memororedum of GamersFirst"
  14. Thankfully this old man does not have the aim or the sheer will to play hard enough to gain Gold. It is possible if APB was my main game but since it's current state It's back up to DbD. Yes yes yes I recently purchased premium so big hope for the future!
  15. I'd rather get TK'd than arrested. Most times in cuffs = Obnoxiously teabagging.
  16. If LO was serious about rebuilding this game this issue should have been at the forefront. Too many times I have been on the side getting steamrolled only to see three or four low level new players quit outright becuase of low life dethreaters. What percentage of those potential paying customers come back???? I usually don't return to playing after such instances for a week and really makes me think twice about buying premium. GG.
  17. Put it back in the next joker box Kappa.
  18. Speaking of Puck, he forgot to remove the troublemaker from my account so when I made a new toon low And behold a troublemaker appears. I let them know of course since I am a honest man and would not want may account banned for it or held for ransom until I paid for it.
  19. Dude I can't stress this enough...if you do file a support ticket please for the love of all that is good in humanity, have patience. Treat the support team well and they more than likely will work with you to resolve your purchase issue. Sending 5000000 tickets will just gum up the system. GL. I have had a refund sort of....more like they took out that crappy troublemaker and replaced it with a 45 thankfully!
  20. I hope with your stellar civil attitude support makes you wait another month. Some businesses will "exit" you with the disrespectful nature. It's not their fault so aim your malice towards the lack of parenting from your childhood.
  21. Fortnite looked really good before the BR mode was released. I have luckily never played it due to my potato PC and the fact that my son's play and raggggggeeeeeeee. I already broke my old desk playing APB. Hahah no thankies.
  22. I have a feeling that yes, loyal old timers came back due to the transfer of ownership only to discover the same old servers, matchmaking, hackers and armas. What I believe is LO will correct the issues, reinstate the trust in the player base (will take time) and all because of social media, those who came back when the transfer happened will come back permanently.
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