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Everything posted by Y2Venom

  1. People are giving reasons why abandonmission is good. The kick anybody was good also, you could kick griefers, or cheaters without a demerit, but it ended up being abused to kick the low levels off the team which ended up in one sided games. Abandonmission is used for the exact same reason and it leads to uneven games. Simply because the people who dont use it are lowlevels and dont know about it.
  2. you mean cancerous gold cry babies who ruined the game day in and day out, so much so that people would lose on purpose to avoid those servers. Like a secret society protecting each other and the cheats that they are using all whilst stomping the new players who accidently join the server then leave the game forever. As a social experiement LO should have looked at the situation and seen that gold and silver servers are dead and people are avoiding like the plague, bronze are alive and well. Answer, lets put the wolves in the hen house with no protection for new players what so ever. Essentially rewarding the cancerous players who have been ruining the game for years.
  3. Its not being used, and lets face it, no suggestions are ever going to be acted upon. They were good at one stage, but right now the mods only seem to be using them as a recycle bin for threads that are not wanted in general discussion.
  4. You dont sound like a loon, i heard the exact same thing. But i dont blame LO either. I would have probably done the same thing as them. Everything except the Engine upgrade. I would have nipped that in the bud and put more work into the existing game.
  5. Being a customer, i felt a lot better seeing the ban statistics knowing there is something being done. Radio silence and seeing level 255 clans openly selling cheats (right now) doesnt fill me with confidence.
  6. There was a guy with a very very questionable account (still around) at one stage was a completly blacked out character. He would wait for our team to attack. As we got close to him the whole team lagged out, cut to his death theme. Blitzkreig after Blitzkreig . This happened over and over again for about 2 weeks and i took a break for a while. I reported it in of course. Later i learned that there was a lag trick that people were using. This guy was one of those players, if he wasnt dethreating, he was doing something else questionable.
  7. You need to watch Field of Dreams. Nice TzickyT , It actually looks like a lot of fun.
  8. They are in a coma, they can hear you but just cant respond. We will get through this...
  9. I think the scope in which you can make changes in the game is very limited.
  10. Y2Venom

    District chat

    you dont miss much, its either about having sex with somebodys mother or trying to justify the war. But i am 100% behind that idea.
  11. Nope. In this current market there will be people wanting to buy it. There is nothing else out there that can touch it in terms of creation and pure fun. If somebody else did buy it, they may put the creation behind a pay wall. With regards the engine update. I have no idea, it cost millions to make APB, and from what i gather, the engine update is being built from the ground up. If it were easy to do, other companies would have built their own, but that has not been done, so i have never put much hope in the engine update or if it would be even better then the current version.
  12. i get that too with some players. Some players i lag out as soon as my crosshair touches them. Always thought that was weird.
  13. Whilst it may sound like a good idea and would definitely help. There are the top tier players who will abuse any options they can to form the best team they can. This would then be used to avoid weaker players and futher add to the matchmaking issues.
  14. Y2Venom

    Car Customization

    I would love the underglow, but i the headlights were removed as they caused too much lag. That may cause the same problem.
  15. I would expect you to be against it. Like much of the other APB oligarchs trying to hold onto the power that they have.
  16. Its a nice idea but how does that balance match making? If thats an insentive for gold players, they will only stick together more to keep that achievment. Right now as it stands, pre-made golds are still stomping players ungrouped. Cheating has now gone through the roof on the European server, easily the worst i have ever seen it and its something i called when this was first implemented. New players come on and are greeted with a stomping, then a quick uninstall. Decent players are leaving as was predicted....
  17. But its a very fun hole with plenty of promise. Just needs love.
  18. it works 100% of the time. It doesnt work when the mission starts. So all the best players will abandon mission on their new team mate. We are back to un-even teams.
  19. Its a feature that serves no purpose and its clearly being abused by experienced players to avoid teaming with new players. Whole groups of good players will abandonmission if there is a low rank silver in the team.
  20. because it was never really moderated properly. When people post ideas, questions or frustrations, the very first responses are from lifers on the forums, who instantly try to demean that persons idea or question and subsequently attack their character. So people tend not to come back and you are left with only the dregs. The interesting thing is, the forums are moderated better then the game.
  21. its not that hard to wrap your head around. Its done every day throughout the world. Ever play a pick up game in sports ? You go to a field there are 12 people, you count 6 on 6 and you play. Sometimes if its very one sided, players will switch to make it competative. Then you have organised leagues that you play with your friends in your team. APB is people coming on to try the game, with people they dont know, they are then matched against Real Madrid. Get trounced, uninstall and play something else. Or if they decide to play, go get cheats.
  22. i posted before that i believe the game is being purposly left to die. Then gets a relaunch, everybody has to start from the begining.
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