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Everything posted by Y2Venom

  1. whats funny about this is the fact that they actively did the oppisite thing and let all the cheaters back in.
  2. There isnt really, its used in professional sports all the time. But there are countless videos of players cheating, the same players reported over and over again. They just dont want to know. When you realize that Rivona is now the number one anti cheat system APB has.
  3. I find this hard to believe also, considering the number of genuine players i know. Statistically 4 of them should be false banned, but not 1 has been banned. Its just bizzar. Cheaters seem to get more love then new players or OG's. Also, if you have a rat problem, you dont introduce more rats.
  4. 35% of the mafia were falsly imprisoned.
  5. Its really really bad.. I honestly scratch my head about it. There are players being banned, yet there are certain players openly getting away with everything for years on end. There is a conspiracy of silence surrounding it all. Other games like NARAKA Bladepoint are listing the names of the cheaters on steam. "So their customers know that something is being done" Good news, matchmaking is pretty good.
  6. So Matt literally gave a talk about some of the changes coming to the game in future. The fact that banning cheaters is "whack a moll" (more fish barrell) making it more difficult for cheaters to come back, trade bans etc... But you choose to listen to a cheater in district .... The fact of the matter is it was already mentioned that they are keeping the game open for the fans, they could have closed it down 2 years ago.
  7. Nope again. When players were caught snapping, videos were clipped and sent in with reports. So cheaters would fake snap, throughout the games, pretending to be trolling when in fact it was to hide that they were cheating, when the real snaps happened. Again you dont know these players because they were both banned and the player we are talking about in particular was banned a few times. He was also banned on CS.
  8. Nope as i said, cheaters started doing fake snaps to hide the real snaps when they slip up. The same way wall hackers use the fireworks to hide the fact that they are actually using a wall hack. I mentioned CS as the player in question also played CS and was banned, just to show i know what i am talking about.
  9. The fake snapping was done by cheaters to "pretend" that they were not cheating. No good player does that as it gives away postion on the radar. It's just like the wall hackers who use fireworks to hide the fact that they were wall hacking. Ven was also a CS player, and there were discussion about him being banned, he even turned off comments on his video as he was called out on it. He returned under another name, very similar to his original name.
  10. I know he was banned because i read about it in a discussion. You dont have to look to hard.
  11. It was Max Payne 2 or 3 when i first heard of this. I heard other games had the same issue. The cheaters were secretly always matched against each other. GTA had a similar thing, but GTA and RDO are infested. There is no one thing that works. It goes right back to in game moderation.
  12. I have been away so didnt get a chance to respond to this. First of all its hard not to be in a clan without cheaters these days. I also have not spoken to or played with that clan since finding out. I also reported them. We didnt "hang out"
  13. 2:21 You can clearly see aimbotting in that video. You can see the old fashion snapp when he starts shooting the wall towards the other player. Then he re-ajusts to kill Summit1G. 3:00 you can clearly see his wall hack. He starts cooking a grenade but Summit1G runs in the other direction. To which he stopps cooking the grenade, runs in the opposite direction to catch Summit1G. Excellent bans .
  14. Sorry Frosi but that is wrong to say and that comment is 5 years out of date. I am currently in a clan with cheaters. The leader of the clan got fed up with cheating and approached a certain French streamer who uses cheats, now he is using cheats. Cheaters are in 90% of games. The reason that percentage is so high is because a lot of the good players have left and the population is in decline, whilst cheaters are staying around.
  15. Would rather you be here a little more, even if you dont have an update. Even if its just to listen to players vent....
  16. It wont make much of a difference. There are only 300+ players. 50% are cheating and 50% are grouping together. Until premades are abandoned matchmaking wont work.
  17. How exactly will the "world server" help the matchmaking ? Considering all the good players will still group together and will not team with the new players ?? You cant say that it will have more of a pool to pull from. Simply because when we had 2000 people on a server to pull from, we had the same issue.
  18. I had the same issue. Servers unavailable, try again later. I gave up.
  19. When ever there was something like this, it never really worked as intended. It just became a huge stand off where everybody switched to Sniper and camped. Personally i do not think APB should be any less then 4 V 4 . Scrap 3s 2s and most definitely scrap 1 v 1 .
  20. Quite a lot of them have re-rolled and are now level 255 its very very unfun. They are like a bunch of Capybaras, pretending to be gkings with the rest of their little castle.
  21. You are on the US servers. You hanvt even seen any new players ...
  22. Its called working the croud, say something nice at the start, to get everybody on your side, then hit them with facts. He is also not wrong though and i understand his frustration. We had a nice few days after the last bannings. All those re-rolls, i have seen go from level 1 to level 255 in the last few weeks. They are not hiding the fact that they are cheating. They are absolutly milking the servers. They are not closets, they are full on cheating. I am in a clan with 3 cheaters that i know of. There are multiple streamers who have been cheating the last 6 months. You can literally see them cheating on youtube / twitch. I have teamed with them and dont get a look in because they can see were the enemy are coming and hog all the kills. I have reported at least 20 level 200+ blatant cheaters. That i have teamed with. Right now it pays to be a cheater then to play normally. They seem to be having a lot more fun. They are leveling up quickly and in the space of a few weeks, have all the best weapons. If they get banned, they just start again on pre-made accounts that they have already transferred weapons to. Then start again, you get another year.
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