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Everything posted by Y2Venom

  1. thats ok, thats just a cancerous player and is essentially the reason for the games population. So good riddance. We need to start looking at growing the playerbase and keeping a playerbase. Cancer needs to go in order to do so. This is all new players get lumbered whith because of the /abandonmission.
  2. Remove \abaondonmission. Its only used by players to abuse matchmaking. Matchmake premades vs premades, if backup is needed they can dip into the Players ungrouped players. Matchmake Players Ungrouped vs Players Ungrouped.
  3. Had it plenty of times, it should come back. Especially when i was stomping a team, it gave them the breather they needed and a way to balance up the game. This was never big issue in the game. again this was a non-issue, nobody came onto the forums posting about it. again, this hardly ever happened and didnt impact matchmaking as much as /abandonmission was a very good addition to balance out the game, espectially a game with a lot of pre-made teams. Hardly ever used to grief, why ? because nobody ever posted about it as an issue. this is the cancerous attitude that plagues the game. If you truely like the game, you would carry and teach other players as much as possible. Instead of hiding behind your pre-made team and stomping new players. The more players that are carried, increases the population.
  4. They are. But you can also just use your eyes. Its done in professional sports all the time ... PLayed a guy today, level 255 with Obir and Colby .45. Got up close and his Colby fires like a machine gun and hits me with every shot. This continues, i look at his profile and he is advertising that he cheats.
  5. I think its because LO is like having a wife in your 50s. We dont notice all the work she does behind the scenes and because of that she is too tired for some fooling around. Then once a year she wants to have "a talk"
  6. I always tried to be optimistic when it came to LO, but a little burned out now. I know their heart is in the right place. I asked questions in the AMA 2 years ago about really really simple changes for quality of life, nothing happened. Right now if you look at the game and weapons, you can see the biggest Overpowered weapons are handguns for many top players. They are also a go to for cheaters and should have been nerfed 2 years ago. What was done ? Nerf explosive weapons..... I know Matt is excited about the car EMP, but again this is at the detrement of newer players. This will be used by PMG's (Pre Made Golds) against PUG's (Players UnGrouped) to stop them from getting away. MAking the game go from Fish in a Barrell to Fish in a Bucket
  7. LO seem to be very very lenient when it comes to cheating. So if you are banned there is good reason.
  8. You just have to watch who is rocking the Obir and Colby . This time last year i was the only player using the Obir, now there are some amazing Obir players. Whos hand gun has been blessed with the accuracy and firepower of a Medusa.
  9. If LO want to save this game, they really need to start talking to the casual players and playing with the casual players. The casual players best represent new players. Understand why they play and understand why they switch off. See what they go through when they go in game. Lets be honest every move Little Orbit has done has been at the detriment of Casual, new, players and their quality of life in game has just gotten worse and worse. Every big move/change has been to appease the little kabal of top players.
  10. Had my first game in 4 or 5 months. I was up against a well known cheater. Somebody i really thought he would have been banned by now. You can even google his name and see videos of him cheating etc.... He is essentially low hanging fruit to be banned. When the low hanging fruit are not being banned, it kind of gives the impression nothing is being done. Saying that its no were near as bad as GTA Online
  11. yes hide behind matchmaking. It was this exact mindset that helped kill the games population.
  12. You are correct, there are 2 populations within the game. One population was sustainable, it was random groups being pitted against each other. It was always fair, and allowed for learning etc... The other population was cancerous and essentially killed their own server. Despite little LO being told by "casual players", introducing this element to the servers will initially kill the servers. They did it anyway, without even any safeguards which just baffles me. Removing "\Abandonmission" is a safeguard. Removing pre-made teams is a safe-guard. Having a server for pre-mades vs pre-mades is a safeguard. Thats why the mind boggles and maybe they just want it to die so they can release a new version.....
  13. havnt played in months and i know exactly who you are talking about.
  14. for some reason i still see people playing APB when saints row 7 is out.
  15. I dont think he is fighting. Pretty sure he is just moderating the bad language and offensive graffitti which is quite clearly ruining the war not to mention the hackusation.
  16. Strange thing is, i think i know exactly who you are talking about. Did this happen in the construction area of the Finanacial District by any chance ?
  17. I have rose tinted glasses for APB, this is true, i think i always will. I remember all the DDOSSing also. I always took the ddossing like it was a child going "wah wah wah", i would throw my fist in the air like it was the 80s, in celebration. But i also agree with you, under EAC, was probably the best it ever was. You got the odd cheater at the weekends. Closets were still an issue.
  18. There is no headshot in this game.....? There are snipers with macro. What you are saying is fundimentally correct. But when it comes to guns, some guns respond better to cheats then others. The go to right now is Ursus and Colby .45, but the Colby .45 with cheats is way too powerful. Right now cheating is way out of control. If there were other hand guns that were as close to the .45 you would see it but there is not. It needs to be nerfed ASAP.
  19. All those things did exist during g1 but not as bad as it is now. Right now there are almost cheaters in every game either in your team or against your team. But worst of all, there seems to be an acceptance of it.
  20. cheating was never this bad under G1. You can go onto twitch streams and find somebody cheating one way or another. If i want to buy cheats, i know who to whisper because their clan name is advertising that they are selling them. G1 fought fire with fire and cheaters were banned.
  21. I agree, but there was never an emphasis put on protecting the in game community as well as protecting the forum community Although i do think, the intention was there. There is no emphasis put on protecting new players or the decent players coming into the game. I think cheaters were protected the most out of the community by stopping the name and shame. I think LO was nothing but fair to the cheaters. They offered them an olive branch and let them all back by saying the bans were questionable. But lets be honest, we all know they were cheating or doing something against the terms of service. cheating has now comback with a vengeance. Unfortunately allowing cheaters anonymity to cheat over and over again, essentially created a cheating haven for them. It felt great seeing that fair fight banned somebody. considering G1 staff were being targeted at their homes. It was a brilliant move.
  22. you ban cheaters and within 5 minutes they come back on go to armas and buy the colby .45 again and will cheat for another few months. Pool their money with their other cheater friends stock up and legendarys and they are good for another few months before they do it all again. It needs to be nerfed ASAP, there is no risk and reward its all reward for cheaters and encourages more cheaters.
  23. I think there are a mixture of things going on. The game in its current state can only support minimal expansion. The money and man power needed to make a dent in expanding the game doesnt make financial sense so best to go slowly and surely. The moderation of the game takes up a lot of time and money also. Some very passionate players out there react badly to any news at all, either good or bad. Some not so nice players out there also. If EA owned this game, they would pull it and you wouldnt be able to play it anymore. So i thank LO for keeping it going.
  24. AKA the cheaters best friend. Its way too overpowered. I have seen people beat players with a Medusa players over and over again with this pistol. Way too many players hitting 100% of their shots over and over again.
  25. People are giving reasons why abandonmission is good. The kick anybody was good also, you could kick griefers, or cheaters without a demerit, but it ended up being abused to kick the low levels off the team which ended up in one sided games. Abandonmission is used for the exact same reason and it leads to uneven games. Simply because the people who dont use it are lowlevels and dont know about it.
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