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Everything posted by Y2Venom

  1. I come across some very good players who are lethal at close range with a handgun. So much so, they have a rate of fire greater then my main gun and take me out with ease in close combat. What is the trick with this as i cannot recreate it. Is it a certain handgun that is used. Any tips ?
  2. I dont know why people are calling them closets, they have pretty much come out and want the world to know. Full clans cheating. Its Madness....
  3. Whilst i agree with you somewhat i can easily give you proof of a player griefing, dethreating, cheating for 7 years straight, reported him, he is well known, i posted about him on the forums, i opened a ticket, and i have spoken to the top. It has been looked at and yet he is still doing everything i mentioned. This is going on 5+ years at this stage. Days since last incident 1 day . Nothing happened to Harvey Weinstein until people started speaking out, maybe APB needs a little of this now.
  4. Thats pretty rough. This is the reason removing pre-made teams is the future. Of course its not ideal, as it hinders you playing with friends, but what else can you do as population diminishes.
  5. To be honest cheating comes in a distant second compared to dethreating. You might come across 1 or 2 blatant cheaters a week, except when it spikes. Dethreaters are every second game.
  6. You sound so "woke" I played a cheater the other day. I upped my game, predicted his movements and I beat him. After i beat him squatted on the bonnet of his car for a solid 3 minutes . Why ? Because that's what heroes do.
  7. Can we nerf the guns as they are getting in the way of my car game.
  8. First : Look up what an analogy is. Second : Healthy playerbase is in decline as not enough new players are spending the time to get to know the game, due to being destroyed over and over again. Hence my point Third : 1 + 1 = 2
  9. OK this is how matchmaking works on APB and how match making works in real life. You have 10 professional players and 10 non professional players. 20 players in all for a 10 v 10 In real life 5 Professional players will team with 5 non professional players making up 2 equal teams. In APB the Professional players wont team with the non professional players and group together. So you have 10 professional players steamrolling 10 non professional players. GG EZ ...... Non professional players say screw this and go play something else. Population diminishes Matchmaking is blamed......
  10. Its a really good question and i used to think about this alot Well that doesnt happen anymore as it seems to be more bannable then dethreating or cheating at this stage.
  11. Im pretty sure, its just to annoy you and your borderline dead posts.
  12. Cheater deniers .... "There are no cheaters, you are just bad"
  13. To re-iterate on that. The more bad reviews that are coming in means people are still playing and people care. I mean right now i would give a bad review due to the detreating, lack of in game moderation and the fact that i cant play without crashing. Yet i love the game. There is no other game out there like it.
  14. It even says it in his readme . Number 2 ....... 2. These files are all (only officially) against the Terms of Service (ToS) of APB Reloaded, as it states that players are not allowed to modify their files
  15. Is this safe considering the guy has been banned a number of times ?
  16. Lets just google translate this ..... Its really annoys me that me and my team cant steamroll the opposition who are not that good at the game. Can you please nerf the game so they have nowhere to go so we can shoot them more ?
  17. First game of the day, first dethreater he lost my game on purpose. First report of the day. Going to play something else for the weekend as to avoid the Weekend cheater dethreater tidal wave incoming.
  18. Just an update on something i noticed. I played today from 9am to 3pm on off. About 20 missions and no crash. After 3 its unplayable and crash after every death.
  19. played 5 games and got 8 dethreaters, this evening ??? The evidence is there, they have been reported. You can clearly see that they are griefing, why is nothing ever done ? ?
  20. Orrrrrrr , the mods can mod and ban the player for a couple of days. Or lock the player to the silver servers for a month. Think about it. The game is the money maker, yet if i was to name a dethreater 5 times on the forums i would get banned on the forums. If that dethreaters ruined 100 games, he gets no ban ???
  21. Both, I read to stay away from Waterfront, but its happening on both. The freeze is so bad, it almost feels like its going to blow my computer. I used to be able to Ctrl Alt Delete out and that would save the game. But dont even get a chance now. Its particularly bad after last update.
  22. I played 1 game today and my whole computer seized right up on a spawn, speakers blaring like a tractor engine. I had all settings off, graphics right down. People say there is no fix until the new engine. There is a fix, just go back to the old spawn system. For me i have no choice but to uninstall
  23. I have noticed it over the last few days. A lot of them came out of the woodwork. For the first time in a long time my team actually all agreed to sit out the mission as they were cheating and it was match after match.I think yesterday i counted at least 10. Its the weekend so i am sure they will be flooding the servers.
  24. You know, i have reported a guy hundreds of times and even posted about him in the main forum. If he was in your team, he would lose the mission on purpose and did this about 20 games a day. 100s of cases and screenshots. If you played against him, suddenly he would become unbeatable and i witnessed him doing questionable things. About 2 years ago i was playing against him, we were a really good team, every time we got close to him, everything would freeze up, next of all death music, the whole team was dead. He would take out 5 of us, over and over again. This went on for about a month. I had never seen it before, found it fishy. Reported him directly but never knew that this was an actual thing. The guy is still playing by the way.
  25. Switch my character, switch back and switch again. Join a server, Icons are all gone. Cant see teammates or mission. This has been happening years.
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