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Everything posted by TheHidden-Tember

  1. eh, I like this in mission districts T.T It completely removes the "your gun is P2W" excuse and allows for fun situational loadouts. It's nice to have a vote for Fight club, but could we also have a vote for mission districts @MattScott ?
  2. I actually like it better with this version because it means you can't just equip a dropped sniper rifle and instantly switch to your primary shotgun whenever enemies get close, as was the case before.
  3. I kind of like it. It helped me try out new fun styles. Also with this mechanic people aren't allowed to complain about OP guns anymore since they can just steal yours. Overall, as an extensive user of legendary guns I'm having great fun throwing my shit weapons at the enemy so they can die stupidly with them.
  4. So thanks to the pickup mechanics (plz leave this in , LO I love it) I could pick up this shizz today: From the few tests I've ran, this seems like a slightly less accurate LCR, with also less range than an LCR, but with the ability to spam quicker in hipfire. I got killed soon after trying it up but from what I've tried, playing it like an LCR seems to work fine and trying to use it at hipfire range works just as well as expected which means NOT. Also because I might have a bad habit of going into marksman mode in CQC. Spraying it while crouching seems to help a lot.
  5. Yes. This is part of why I wrote this thread. Give people a legal macro to make them realise that they'll still get their arses handed to them because they got no rythm.
  6. You're the reason why we can't have nice things. Remember the witch hunt I mentioned? (also no, I never got banned for anything)
  7. Add a configuration for a button that fires your gun repeatedly at a certain configurable frequency (or more likely a duration in milliseconds). BAM, the semi-auto unfriendly to noobs problem is fixed and people can no longer complain about macros. (and more specifically it will end the witch hunt because really people using a macro can't be differenciated from people with genuine rythm skills)
  8. Solution: Add an option to shoot every semi auto gun in full auto mode.
  9. TheHidden-Tember


    How about don't nerf things now that everyone has them?
  10. NGL, a permanent OSMAW is something I would really like.
  11. Oh, that's one of the first times I see a topic being moved to social district. ... ... WHY THIS ONE THOUGH
  12. It turned into something dead, nothing is meant to be dead. We'll be restarting fresh soonTM
  13. So I just had to log in, send a whisper to Asgerlund and win, right? Why was this only a one-day event. Also remember how people usually go on DATES for valentine's day. Normal people don't play APB. Please don't reward people for being forever alone. Hell, I was forever alone that day, just playing something else than APB.
  14. Maybe 2 weeks? I count weeks every patch day. So every wednesday by default.
  15. Things are being prepared. ETA: 1 week (or two) after the engine upgrade. SoonT you will hear more about us. Expect massive recruitment sprees. Expect massive clan events. Expect a tiny bit of chaos. (just what's needed)
  16. I agree with any kind of being able to access info in-game. However being able to actually SEND info to the game might cause a plethora of issues.
  17. DMR is bae. 2-hit kill over 88m is magical and causes many hackusations.
  18. Technically the first team to capture City hall gets a huge advantage in capture points. It doesn't mean that team will win though, coz the end stage victory is higlhy dependent on juts how many barrels you can simultaneously get to the last location, not WHERE you found those barrels.
  19. I did say in another thread that playing this solo is kinda bad, yes. the dev team will need to find ways to sort simple things like objective visibility and rewards to improve that.
  20. MFW my thread gets nearly zero feedback because i'm not being toxic/complaining about anything or spouting controversy
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