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Everything posted by TheHidden-Tember

  1. Was just a forum ban because I posted a meme nothing irreversible. Is there no way to edit this damn thing in actual text?
  2. Eh ok I am already running into trouble. I cannot edit my posts if too much time has passed?
  3. It will remain a copypaste for now X) I might get back into it if I get a massive amount of time.
  4. [wip] Credits: GhosT 8747 Jaani Noxlol Ekimi Martinez49 PrincessTwilight Caesruul Hollowchick Kempington QUEEN YSALINE Introduction: So you've been playing this game for a while now, and you have accumulated a few millions of APB$. Or maybe you're feeling lucky, and want to buy a bunch of joker boxes. Or maybe you already have a legendary gun you're dissatisfied with, and wish to trade it for a better one. Well you've reached the right place! As the Legendary Knight, it is my duty to educate you forum plebs in the ethics and customs of my art. Similar to Nox's weapon modification guide, this guide will focus on legendary guns. Which guns to chose, which guns to avoid, how to use the gun you ended up with, and how to modify them. Of course, everything you see on this thread will be the interpretation of one of the contributors or myself. With only one vacant slot available, modifying legendary guns can be a bit tricky which is why the suggestions on this guide are listed in no specific order. If you are an extensive user of legendary guns like me, or wish to share a new/better way of using one of the guns described, feel free to share your input here. The number one rule: Legendary guns are cooler but not better than normal guns. You must accept this fact and move on. Like regular guns, legendaries will have strengths and weaknesses which make them good in some situations and bad in others. But most of them will also have what I like to refer to as legendary magic which are dumb mechanics added in order to remove the feeling that APB is Pay2Win. (it doesn't work, the feeling is still here) Because of this, most legendaries will be downgrades to normal guns. Do not let this discourage you, the legendary player doesn't use them to win missions, he uses them to show off. (Also known as Cherry Tapping) Beating someone by using a legendary will always feel better than beating someone with the boring N-TEC, N-HVR or PMG. With that being said, enjoy the guide! N-HVR 243 'Sitting Duck' Colby M-1922 'Hazardous' OCA Nano N-HVR 243-SD 'Reaper' Firework Launcher NCR-762 'Anubis' Adeen Colby Commander NFAS-12 'true Ogre' FFA 'BullShark' Obeya CAP40 'Sergeant' N-TEC 7 'Ursus OCSP 'Kommandant' AAEPD 'Volcano JC' VBR 'Huntress' DOW 'Thumper' EOL 'Deep impact', 'Hammer' and 'Kickback' Urban Legends 3 'Bloody Mary', 'Jersey Devil' and 'Hitchhiker' Raptor 45 'Condor' N-AMG-556 'Medusa' Mountie SF9 'Yukon'
  5. oooh, events are happening. Perfect. Will probably organize a few with my clannies.
  6. I would like to praise the new forum for actually allowing me to post in it
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