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Everything posted by Weaboos

  1. Colby .45 ap if you want to be a sweaty boy and try hard every time just like 99% of gold player base. But you need to have a good and steady fps if you want to use it. Otherwise I would recommend something unique and fun like scout. Takes some time to getting used to it though. I personally always liked whisper and seen it as a direct upgrade of oca when it comes to accuracy. Golden act44 is usable too unlike the garbage f2p variant. But that's just me, I like OG guns...
  2. All this posting is better than the previous g1-like silence but I wonder if it will lead anywhere or it will be a dead end like engine upgrade
  3. The amount of cheaters in this game is truly disgusting. It always had them but now with minimal population left it's truly visible. Merged. GTA online is absolute garbage and rockstar should be ashamed of their greediness and incompetence.
  4. Ah yes the big names. Lemme check how many of them are on the FF ban list...
  5. So nothing certain was said, more tries and more promises to try. Empty words in the wind... Honestly anyone still hoping and expecting anything at this point is delusional.
  6. I'd so legit would play the sh1t out of it if somebody released a 2011 version
  7. Weaboos

    CET - 2022 Tournament

    Can't wait to see cheaters sweating against other cheaters
  8. None of the community projects go anywhere
  9. Probs to restart the servers to clear out junk files so they don't lag as much idk.
  10. This uniform has no outlawed symbols as the units wearing it were not part of a political party thus such uniform is not illegal. Your avatar has the perfect facial expression for when you realise that it originates from an alt-right website, the more you know... Now ssssch little frog or my french friend will eat you
  11. I'm convinced that hpet fix is placebo just like all other things like removing search indexing etc. I tested them and did not see any difference neither on my old PC nor on current laptop...
  12. I was so surprised when I returned to this game with so little /pop to find this many cheaters still cheating. I was thinking even cheaters would get bored but boy did I misunderstood their love and dedication for this game ..
  13. Client performance was anything but same. Game ran on my old PC at 99.9-100 fps in 2011-mid 2012. And Phenom II X4 955 3.2 Ghz 4 GB DDR3 1600 MHz Ram Radeon HD6870. Over the years I've upgraded to 8 GB ram and Nvidia GTX960. Upgrading the GPU did zero to framerate only ram helped as it became unplayable with 4 GB. I tried playing on that PC about two months ago and my fps was 70-50 on average with horrible drops to 35-40 in gunfights. Unplayable. Even in empty districts with no players it does not hold a steady 100 fps that it used to hold back in 2011 in full districts and jumps between 80-90 I believe. Many people quit to to their PCs suddenly being unable to run the game at an enjoyable framerate, quite a few of my friends too for the same reason. Even checked a few vids from old apb clan PSYCH and they left a comment that they would start filming again once devs would fix performance so it would run like in the old days. That comment was from 2013 My friend got a beast PC with latest ryzens n stuff and even on his PC the game drops from 144 to 80 quite often. I'm now playing with a laptop from maybe 2018 with i7-7700 HQ 1050 Ti and 16 gb and SSD and the game does not understand if it wants to run at 90 or 42 fps. Averaging at 70 with drops to 50-something when there are many players around. Can't compete with 144 fps tryhards running PS1 graphic configs coupled with 4:3 resolution on a 16:9 monitor that makes the game look like quake 2 lol Servers where always crap tho. Still remember the "overkill servers" meme
  14. Weaboos

    Sex change

    Requested many times given none
  15. My man confusing Colby RSA with Colby .45 ap again Honestly though 99% of golds are now using it indicating that something is wrong. Either the gun is too good or other guns are simply not good enough. Usually it's nr. 1. Remember when all golds used to main Nano, Trouble Maker, Yukon at different times in APB's history? All overly popular guns get fixed eventually. Look at what happened to N-Kek because it was "being used more often than we would like it to be" or something along the lines.
  16. Colby .45 ap is a paid only weapon unless you grind joke tickets to get one (real life M1911) It's the one that 99% of gold's tryhard with so I imagine it will get some sort of fix in the future as with all overly popular guns. You can get a free trial of it from armas and joker shop to try out yourself. Regarding cops vs crim opposition in my experience it's opposite - more new players start out as crim because "lul GTA crimezzz thug life" so as a cop I would more often get low rank silvers as opponents. Regarding trading only "legendary" lootbox guns are tradeable so your friend needs to have some of those if he wants to sell/lend you them.
  17. My man confused Colby .45 ap for Colby RSA. Also your legendary WiFi connection does not help Merged. I don't think anybody uses pig on its own usually it's pig+perc Merged. Fk the police, am I right?
  18. And yet I'm still happy purely because of the fact that it's annoying to be on a receiving end of ltl. I'd rather be killed and respawn.
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