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Everything posted by xHenryman90x

  1. Having no tracers at all would make the rifle silencer and the sniper silencer mods completely and nearly useless mods. These mods are bad regardless, the only benefit of the rifle silencer is that it hides tracers.
  2. N-HVR 243 SD series N-HVR 762-SD series Pathfinder SD series PSR 'Osprey' VAS-R2 'Crown' Raptor 45 'Hawk' ATAC 424 "Watchman" They all disagree.
  3. Sure. Those cars are bad right now, flipping sideways too easily.
  4. These weapons are not suitable for SERIOUS playing.
  5. You can do all that better with any other SMG's. I use almost every weapon, play for fun.
  6. I bought the Valhalla's Chosen pack too. I agree. Good against what?
  7. Norseman SMG's are the worst SMG's in the game. Terrible accuracy, slow TTK and long equip time.
  8. The top reasons are lack of content, little to no replay value and not being able to keep most new players interested.
  9. More importantly buff/rework them all.
  10. I can't pick just one weapon. I'm just playing for fun, this week i'm playing FC with Norseman 'Hoenir', it's terrible.
  11. Kevlar 3 combined with medspray is useful with low mobility weapons, such as LMG's or RPG's. There's no other use for it.
  12. Oh God! Well, at least the servers are still online!
  13. I have one role to do, deploy ammo to players and use different weapon loadouts every week.
  14. I don't know how long have you played APB but the sniper is DMR.
  15. This is certainly noticeable when you're playing FC. Maybe this is the reason why we can see so many demolition weapons being used. Perhaps he has experienced a mental breakdown.
  16. This is only one part of the problem. We haven't seen any exciting game content/additions since the lastest contacts were released years ago. Apparently, the old game engine can't handle planned future expansions, now ‘The Engine Upgrade‘ is not happening anytime Soon〈™〉, for who knows how long does it take.
  17. You already found a better game to replace APB? Don't say GTA:O. Merged. Many MMO games older than APB are still active, MMORPG's specifically. APB has no direct competitors, therefore it can survive for a long time. Right now it's only the lack of development that can kill APB.
  18. It has better graphics, but that has nothing to do with better performance, the graphics improvements are irrelevant, Minor performance improvements at least. I don't have to worry about the RTX issue, I'm still using the GTX series. I agree. 1.30 will keep the current hardcore playerbase at least, hopefully. I agree. I guess this game finally dies within this decade. Population goes down and no more new content can be added with the current game engine.
  19. Sure it doesn't fix everything, you're right. My basic understanding is that 64-bit client will let the game utilize more RAM, instead of writing to HDD/SSD.
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