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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. APB is an RNG nightmare of a game that only offers a level playing field once you are r255 and either have spent money on ARMAS or have collected an absurd amount of both Joker Tickets and in game cash. Add to that interference by players not in missions, add to that the bounty system, add to that the civilians, add to that no two missions being the same, add to that defense being easier than offense, add to that the poor spawn system... I guess what I'm saying is, APB would have to become a different game on an almost fundamental level in order for fair competition to even be possible... and all this before you consider whether or not people would even enjoy this new APB. tl;dr competitive APB is not possible unless APB is changed into a fair game... which it currently is not Also, does no one remember @SKay's attempt at organizing a tournament? (I do buddy... I do)
  2. Bold of you to assume the community agrees on anything.
  3. I wanna say your name will change on any list she has. Such as friends or ignore lists. Also if you made any items for her, the name will change on those as well (symbols themes vehicles clothing).
  4. Lot to unpack there, lets just agree to disagree. Though I do want to say... no one is defending the current situation, least of all Little Orbit.
  5. Maybe actually read what was written. The point was that the game is playable at the stated higher latencies, contrary to what some players are saying. That's being said, you are lying to yourself if you think you can tell the difference between 30ms and 80ms without the help of /fps.
  6. You do realize forum join dates have nothing to do with when a person started playing the game, yes? Maybe not, since you also seem to think a person's individual abilities have anything to do with a game's skill ceiling.
  7. This is the most casual slow paced comically easy shooter I play. Dunno what you are on about tbh.
  8. Well if they have access to your account for some reason you can change the password. If you are worried about stuff you posted, it m not sure deleting your account removes posts.
  9. They are human beings Mitne. They'd been working insane hours for weeks. They deserved time off. I don't want anyone sacrificing their health or happiness for a video game. It does suck you had to work though, especially with your bosses being off.
  10. I like you Yood. I hope your posts remain as intelligible as the last couple of days. Take care, friend.
  11. I will give that a try. So far Ive found no solutions. And on top of it all, this is the only ISP available in my area other than satellite.
  12. CookiePuss


    I think he means the team hunting them down had the VIP.
  13. My ISP likes to route me all around the country before ending at the server. 170ms... from Chicago
  14. Most of us play daily, and those who currently aren't are just waiting for the server to return to Europe.
  15. We only test. We don't have any part in what is fixed or isn't.
  16. It depends but probably 100ms minimum-ish, and that gets worse the further east you go.
  17. I mean they didn't move Citadel to the US, it's only hosted there temporarily until the server is ready. I guess they could have just not let Citadel players play at all, but the again no one is forcing you to play as is. Sorry, I don't have a lot of sympathy. I get 170ms to Jericho on a good day and there's nothing I can do about it.
  18. Stock Ntec is 18stk at 70m. No matter what. No cheat can change this. Opinion discarded. You should start playing. We could dominate.
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