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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Thats some tasty word soup, but my opinion is that nerfing gun after gun after gun is not the way to go. Manic is fun, let it stay fun and focus on making other guns less frustrating and therefore also more fun.
  2. the tutorial, or lack thereof, is probably the least of APBs problems when it comes to new player experience (imo)
  3. For the love of god, stop wanting to nerf EVERYTHING!
  4. bold of you to assume I wasn't one already
  5. CookiePuss


    Man, maybe Im just lazy.
  6. Oddly enough, no matter how far I OC'd my i7 it made no difference in performance. APB is a strange beast. Also, Im probably upgrading my rig in the next month so I'll have free parts if anyone needs em.
  7. CookiePuss


    Man... I just make a sandwich or take a poop. Sometimes both.
  8. CookiePuss


    you drive 800m away to find them?
  9. Its probably worth mentioning that GMs don't handle anything like this, and that GMs have given bad info before. tl;dr Ask LO don't ask player volunteers when it comes to what is or isn't allowed
  10. I'm not sure making us more brittle would help. Maybe an oil quench instead? Merged. APB has a terrible terrible terrible new player experience. APB runs poopy. APB is unbalanced. APB civilians are not only shitty and unrealistic, but also frustrating as fuck. The JT store is still being looked at, but as it stands you can grind out a single permanent 3 slot weapon every 3 months, so 4 free permanent guns a year. Not bad critiques, just wanted to say you have some good points. If you play Jericho hit me up, we can group up sometime.
  11. That actually brings up an important point: These are our two CPUs (apologies if the Black Edition is different, Im not familiar with AMD at all) This clearly shows that the i7 SHOULD outperform the AMD, but that isn't the case with APB. Assuming you are correct about your performance (you can easily benchmark to be sure), this shows just how poorly APB performs even on "new-ish" hardware... hell I cant even play on max graphics because I have an RTX card and APB crashes.
  12. Unfortunately, what keeps LO from implementing all of these ideas is lack of pop. Im a jericho player and we can barely keep one bronze and one silver dist alive... adding a third would be a problem in and of itself. That being said, I do think something need to change going forward.
  13. look man, the game lives or dies in the next year either APB becomes a game people want to play or it dies so again, east and west coast servers are a thing because if we don't get enough more players to populate east and west coast servers... the game dies >better ping for the last few months of the game >a future in which apb still exists pick one
  14. Sorry to hear that man. Wish you luck.
  15. Same, and I think that''s the point people are trying to make when they ask for account wide role progression. That you should just progress your account, not individual characters. I think if we did that and ALSO made roles continue indefinitely would be a very cool ideal because it allows for less frustrating role progression and also allows the flex by giving the continuing of progression indefinitely.
  16. They woud still wipe the floor with us regardless of config or weapons or anything else. Good players will always beat worse players. That being said, configs aren't about extra FPS. Configs are about reducing stutters, frame drops, and freezing. Its not about getting a competitive edge (I can give you a config if you want to see for yourself), configs (and advanced launcher) are about making the game less frustrating to play. For anyone curious as to what the differences are in hard numbers, here are my benchmarked stats. (done using the same software we use to benchmark 3.5) : The difference in MAX FPS is about 13fps. The difference in MIN FPS is about 70fps. oh and PS- if like me you have an RTX card, or some 16xx series cards, you literally cannot run the game on max graphics as it causes out of memory errors, crashing your game
  17. You're not my mom! Realtalk, I'll give an actual response during my next poop. Merged. My apologies. When you read my comments, it's best to ALWAYS assume Im just having fun... NEVER take me that seriously. We were discussing this post in discord about how the guy I quoted didn't need to make a new thread, he could have used existing threads, and I was just meme-ing. Looks like I may have a couple hours of downtime starting in about 15 minutes, I'll write up an actual reply then. But again, if I ever seem like Im being mean, make a joke and you will see me hop right in to the fun.
  18. FTFX Imagine thinking having opp at a perpetual disadvantage is the reason pop isn't higher. "Nah, I'm winning too much since I have an extra quarter second to react than my opposition does, I quit." Ok bud, ok.
  19. You see, in life, there are things called rules sometimes we get a say in those rules, and other times we don't in this case when we all started playing the game, we agreed to abide by the rules as dictated to us so basically realize what you've agreed to, and if you don't like it, feel free to uninstall
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