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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. You cannot adjust the in game crosshair. However it appears that for the time being and likely until 3.5 is released, crosshair overlays are and will be allowed. So if you want to customize your crosshair in any way, that's really your only option that is specifically allowed. Two popular options are Playclaw and HudSight. HudSight only has a paid version afaik, while Playclaw 6 is paid and Playclaw 5 is free. For either you can use whatever crosshair you want, make your own, or google "crosshair png" and just pick one.
  2. If I made the video you'd think it looked fun, but didn't really get results. If they let Exo make it, you'd think it was OP. #nerfExoticz
  3. Bro, I've neither the energy nor patience to educate you. Plus I can guarantee you no one wants to hear this discussion anyways. Nothing about the Confederacy is banned in APB, so go nuts. But if you are curious, probably just start here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham_Lincoln_and_slavery GLHF
  4. We haven't banned anything. You can fly both the Confederate flag and the Nazi flag on your house if you want. Murica!
  5. Might be the fact that the confederacy fought a war that would enable them to continue to own people as property. A little thing we call slavery. But its even more complex than that... You didn't really see confederate flags or monuments to confederate leadership until the 1960's. What happened in the 1960's that caused this sudden resurgence of "southern pride"? The civil rights movement. A movement whose aim was to give african americans equal rights and equal treatment. I'll forgive this one Mitne, no reason Poland should be giving detailed US history.
  6. You misunderstand. Even one shot is doing 45% damage, with the accuracy to land the shot as well. So now you have a shotgun you can team with an HVR and drop targets instantly at 100m. (you could not do this with the standard 30% damage) But sure, sounds fine. (30% damage makes it a 9stk @ 100m as well)
  7. PMG already outperforms even the Whisper at 40m btw
  8. That couldn't be more incorrect, but ok.
  9. Even in the US, many would agree with you.
  10. The constitution is argued over constantly, and the supreme court case that applies to the Nazi Flag was a 5-4 decision, meaning even at that level there was disagreement. Nazis aren't really liked by anyone but other Nazis. The cops in the image likely represent a mix of conservative and progressive beliefs, but more than anything they probably think the Nazis are just a bunch of morons.
  11. People take the constitution pretty seriously in the US. Once a government starts policing beliefs, where does it end? Or at least I think that's the logic.
  12. I am not, and you do not. I just thought I'd ask.
  13. If you wouldn't mind, could you DM me some cheater names? No name and shame prevents doing so here, but I'd like to know what you know. Maybe I have overlooked something.
  14. Here are police protecting Nazi demonstrators. This was just in July.
  15. Actually, the flying of the Nazi flag is protected by the US Constitution's first amendment.
  16. It does suck. No doubt about that. Hopefully LO is just getting everything running while having everyone work from home. If that's the case, I hope they make contact with you soon.
  17. Sorry, Mitne and I know each other... He's always starting the most bizarre conversations no one really asked for about history and politics. I was only teasing him, I promise. For what it's worth, my attitude is: LO owns the game, LO makes the rules. Don't like em? Don't play.
  18. Calling cheats on Jericho... That's a pretty funny joke in itself.
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