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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Even if every 50 accounts = 1 person, that's still 200,000 people. Compared to our daily average of 500 or so, that's pretty good.
  2. Good point, HVR is like the Strife but instead of 15m range, it has 100.
  3. Ahh kk... I had a feeling I wasn't reading it correctly.
  4. am I misunderstanding this? wouldn't accurate weapons be less RNG?
  5. Oh the journalist's mistake yeah not 10mil obv
  6. oof how disappointed are you gonna be when almost nothing changes?
  7. I have a friend who also feels that way. I think I'd be too frustrated.
  8. actually, if LO added a player to social and just used it to display new clothing and stuff... that'd be cool sort of like the joker store mannequins, but constantly changing
  9. there is zero chance you've ever tried this for yourself, and still feel that way Im happy to let anyone who wants to bind fire to their scroll wheel do so... more ez kills for me, and I need em
  10. The last time you were a bronze district, probably.
  11. Even the daily average is higher than that.
  12. APB is hitscan, point and click.
  13. The Valhalla guns are the worst SMGs in the game.
  14. You don't get to define what a cheat is, LO does.
  15. Forums, twitter, or anyone online and in game at the time.
  16. Rewarding the regular players. Seems ok to me. I did not get them, btw.
  17. Friendly reminder that the masquerade mask is pretty ugly.
  18. Its awesome that you enjoy the game as you do. Good on you, homie.
  19. Do the bans say "macro use" or is this just what you guys are saying? As was already mentioned crosshairs are fine. I used to use playclaw, now use HudSight.
  20. That's a lot of people who were at one time interested in APB. Going to be interesting how many can be made to hear of the new engine.
  21. I have no idea if this is true or not, but I wonder where did you get your information?
  22. thats a bigger issue I think Merged. trade something for something longer equip time but 3stk, or an accuracy buff, or a range buff? i dunno, or just leave it, but the SNR probably needed to be looked at anyway.
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