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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Pwnimon has the right idea I think. Being proactive and creating your own scene has to be better than waiting around for one to find you.
  2. Best of luck, just don't get your hopes up.
  3. If using the cross style crosshair that might suck as far as no red crosshair especially for those pixel shots, but you dont have to use a cross style, use a circle, Y shape, X shape, etc you could also use a simple center dot, so you can still use the in game one for bloom and the redness, but always have the center dot to put on target Or just wait for the release of 2.1, we should have more crosshair options then.
  4. You could choose to ignore the thing that tells you when you can land a shot vs miss, sure. No idea why you'd want to though.
  5. for me the MP is just the place I use to store stuff in my mail
  6. So cough up some cash and support the game you play. Bam, extra rewards!
  7. Fart but cancelled so you just fart over and over and over. ...Im such a child.
  8. We know its between 1% and 9% since LO has told us it was single digit percentages. So if there are 1,000 people playing... 10-90 are cheating. So if you want to say it was more or less than people thought, this is the range.
  9. Stop paying attention to colors, the divisions are completely arbitrary, instead of Bronze Silver or Gold, think of threat as going from 1-30... cuz it does.
  10. Is this a joke? I don't want to be mean if its a joke, but the FAR is on a completely different level than the STAR and I don't know how you could be unaware of this.
  11. crosshairs in no way prove legitness... I've never even heard that excuse a custom crosshair only proves that the person uses a custom crosshair customizable crosshairs exist in many shooters but not in apb, this is why 3rd party crosshair overlays are allowed (much like they are in other games) I recommend HudSight, but a lot of people use PlayClaw.
  12. Why do you have to write it like that? It makes people not even want to read it.
  13. The FAR is currently king. It does everything the ntec does, and does it as good or better.
  14. Im not sure how you misunderstood so completely, but you do you.
  15. Where do you think Jericho's went? Not sure if we want to invite them back.
  16. There are pages and pages of bugs identified just by SPCT, and then LO has their own QA. Finding a bug doesn't = fixing a bug. Find a bug and it goes on a list, that list is then organized by importance and given a spot in line waiting to be fixed. SPCT has been finding bugs much faster than they can be fixed, that is how testing goes. What I mean is, finding the bugs is the easy part... fixing them can be difficult and time consuming. I feel bad for whomever has to read through the thousands of bugs "discovered" by players once public testing is open. Hopefully they have a macro for "we already knew that please tell people to stop reporting it".
  17. How many bugs have been reported? I ask because you have no idea how many.
  18. That guy is totally a cheddar... figures you would know him. I on the other hand find this to be one of the most unique and interesting designs in the game. It really has its own character whereas most of us just look like random clothing, colors, and even items thrown together. Here it is in action:
  19. For anyone following along, this problem will persist until 3.5 I know its not ideal (I am an RTX user myself), but it is the reality. It's not getting fixed until then.
  20. Why is everyone picking on us lately? Buncha bullies.
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