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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. I prefer CA3 for cqc and CA2 for ranged but as with all things, go with what works for you
  2. ARMAS prices wont be touched until after the upgrade to UE 3.5
  3. I believe these times are correct for clotting agent:
  4. Thie difference being, everything is the Rev pack is garbage.
  5. Support does not answer tickets on the weekend, no.
  6. Just wanted to chime in here and remind everyone that MattScott believes matchmaking is flawed and wants to rework and or scrap it. Q: What will you be doing to tackle dethreating, and if so how? And will there be changes to the threat system? A: This is definitely one of those systems that fall under the “Critical Mechanics” segment earlier. The threat system has to be altered at a minimum, or if necessary, scrapped and started over. There’s just a fundamental flaw at tracking your progress over such a short timeframe. To be able to bring your threat down quickly should not happen, and should take much much longer. We see this as an exploit in some ways, if it is an exploit it should be dealt with. If there’s an exploit then it should be on us to fix it. Shame on us for leaving the exploit in for so long, that it has a name and people can look it up.
  7. KTTC best pack for value in APB.
  8. Yeah, one thing Ive heard again and again in /d chat is that everyone is holding off on making ARMAS purchases in the hopes that LO will do some price changing. During the Q&A Matt Scott did mention this was something he thought should happen as some prices may be slightly high. Unfortunately he wasnt in a position to give more details than that. It was later confirmed by a forum moderator that any changes to ARMAS will happen after the upgrade to UE 3.5 which, they claimed, would be "relatively soon". I for one would like to see both a general lowering of ARMAS prices as well as the unbundling of some of the packs. I really do think that LO and G1 could make more money by doing so, and before anyone assumes anything, I long ago unlocked the Euryale on 2 accounts and really dont have anything else I need to buy personally. I simply think this move would be better for the game overall, and would benefit NOT ONLY the many players around the world who simply cannot afford to pay the current prices, but even those of us lucky enough to be born under different circumstances.
  9. I agree with the lovely Sadira, I dont think LO would be doing something like this without some sort of announcement
  10. Yeah that, I think, is why MattScott wants to rework the threat system so that it is both harder to gain and lose threat. This way people arent threating up due to a few lucky matches, and it will also make it much more difficult and time consuming to intentionally lose threat. As far as what GMs will and wont do in terms of enforcing the ToS (which finally actually mentions dethreating) I cant really comment on that since its going to be entirely up to LO, and afaik they have yet to make any statements on it. And I dont think fluctuating threat would ever be punished. Only the obvious amd intentional gaming of the threat system in an effort to play in a district in which you do not belong.
  11. I mean, not unless they live together right?
  12. I think you may have to wait for the reworking of threat before much will be done. That or for in game GMs to be more numerous. Which, since the application process has started, may be soon.
  13. Hmmm... that is a bit strange then, as afaik speedhacking was fixed after regoated. Unfortunately, I cant really speak with expertise on it so I'll have to leave that to someone else.
  14. If the servers are on mitigation, iirc the distance you are from the server is a factor on how severely you are affected.
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