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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Lots of great advice in this thread, but you really need to try the different mods to see what works best for you. Also, dont be afraid to switch up your mods to compliment your weapon / vehicle loadouts, the mission you are currently in, or to counter your opps loadouts.
  2. Still its worth asking, and who knows maybe one day this will be a thing!
  3. God Tier: Pioneer Good tier: Espacio, 4x4 Dont use tier: everything else I dont say this to be mean. But rather I say this to illustrate how possibly broken vehicle balance is.
  4. Servers transfers, as Matt explained, are highly problematic amd afaik are not offered.
  5. No worries mate. But for up to date stats, you should try the new database. https://db.apbvault.net/items/Weapon_Shotgun_NFAS-Ogre_PR2_ArmasJB
  6. Ogre windup time as Ketog said is 0.59 seconds, fire interval is .20 seconds and it has a 3 stk, so the overall ttk is 0.99 seconds.
  7. It seems Im in the minorty here but from my perspective, at least in silver districts, skill cap has gone up, not down. Then again, I was having packet losses as high as 12 the last couple days, so who knows.
  8. Ummm... both the standard NFAS and the True Ogre are 3 stk... not 2.
  9. I sure hope APB actually becomes playable soon... be a shame to waste this population spike.
  10. yeah my packet loss has packet loss Hey I saw my first shawcopter tonight! Now THAT is a sight to behold!
  11. whoa whoa whoa lets not get carried away!
  12. Its almost jarring when I hear someone over VOIP, Im always like "Ah! What the fuck was that?"
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