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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Wait, you hate apple too? I think we just became best friends!
  2. Prices fluctuate wildly. Just because you see a gun being sold for a certain price, doesnt mean anyone is buying it... thats important to remember.
  3. 2nd world countries have the strangest customs. But you do you homie.
  4. I just hope you thanked your mom for buying it for you.
  5. Yeah, faster loading would be nice, on that we definitely agree.
  6. As expected, rather than actually address the problem, LO just deletes the evidence of incompetence and goes back to being silent. So shocking the game is closer to death than ever lmfao. LO/10 job guys.
  7. Perhaps, but it is just a log in screen, I'd only see it for a second or two anyways.
  8. Seen the videos, not impressed. Dont care if they never bring it back.
  9. And for that Katchwi, we thank you. By the way, whens the next post bitching about the carbine?
  10. You can use https://db.apbvault.net/ for up to date stats. As far as how they got to that point, well you kind of would have had to be following all the patches up to til now.
  11. Im sorry my guy, I just cant understand what you are trying to say. Maybe try google translate?
  12. out of curiosity, what gun would you say takes skill to use? I too would like to know this... if the ntec is easy, what gun is hard?
  13. Honestly I just like teasing you tbh. So don't expect that to change. ;-)
  14. LO did like 4.5 mil in business annually yes. To put that into context, G1 did 2.7mil. And of course these numbers have nothing to do with profit. My only point is LO's investment is likely not turning a profit at the moment. G1 hadn't turned a profit in over two years and had more players, while LO has more than twice the staff as G1 and less players. And again, this concerns me. Im not gloating, Im not complaining... Im worried.
  15. Well considering an HVR takes nearly a full second longer to kill someone (0.77 seconds vs 1.75 seconds), no... I would not recommend using a sniper instead. Base accuracy on the UL-3 is 20cm at 10m. (To put that into context, the OCA is 36cm) Making it an incredibly accurate full auto secondary. To balancd that, it blooms very quickly. In order to counter the bloom you have no choice but to burst fire. In order to burst fire effectively you ideally want to use cover. And yes, Ive owned every one every one of the UL-3 and while I personally prefer the Jersey Devil, the Bloody Mary is an incredible weapon. I have a friend on NA who chews up and spits out OCA, Whisper, and PMG users all day long simply by playing the BM as it is meant to be played. tl;dr It sounds like you just want to be able to hold down mb1 and get easy kills and until you start letting weapons tell you how they should be played, rather than deciding beforehand how you THINK they should be played, you will probably continue embarassing yourself by making "hurr durr gun sucks" posts Anything else I can help you with?
  16. I keep hearing about this "Pay2Grief" thing. What exactly is it? Promise me you will never change.
  17. I kind of feel like not being able to pay your employees without burning through whatever runway you have left is kind of important to talk about. But thats just me.
  18. We shouldn't complain if choices are being made that are killing the game? Not that I was complaining, I was just checking the steam charts. But since you brought it up, what do you think our role as consumers is?
  19. Oh shit thank god... and here I was thinking APB was in some kind of trouble. Arbitrary selections aside, I'll guess I'll see you in 27.8 players!
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